Watch TV Shows on TenduTV

TenduTV is a digital media channel based in Augustus, Texas. It is a content distribution company mainly focused on producing content in the form of film, television, and music. The company was founded in 2003 by a German man named Hans Shimner. He was the first German to found a film company in Texas. Originally, the channel only produced small homemade videos and distributed them at film festivals. Eventually, after receiving large success and viewer feedback, the company was able to raise funding from a variety of investors. The company was sold to Sony in 2014. The content can now be accessed through a variety of devices such as smartphones, televisions, and laptops with an internet connection for a small subscription fee.

The titles on the channel currently include Shindig Nights, Hair Crossed Lovers, and Dalmation Variety. Shindig Nights features Harry Poller as the main character. He is a professional dancer in the heart of Silicon Valley. He started on Broadway in New York but after getting into a fight with his director he was banned from performing in the city ever again. Now living in California, he must take on demeaning work in order to pay the bills. His wacky friends and silly antics produce comedic situations throughout the series. Hair Crossed Lovers is a comedic romance series involving two young college students from Kentucky. When they go on a road trip for Spring Break, they discover that their feelings for each other have changed. The series documents their new perspective.