Watch TV Shows on The Military Network

The Military Network, or better known as the Military Channel, is both an educational and entertaining channel on television that captures millions of viewers every day. The network offers a variety of different shows pertaining to different kinds of military related information. Some specific show categories include, but are not limited to, countdown lists of various weapons, vehicles, and historic military events that are of great interest to military enthusiasts. This particular Network, along with the categories previously listed, offers a large collection of both modern and premodern military movies, as well as interviews with various members of the military.

Along with the categories listed above, the Military Channel offers its viewers different programs that explore different aspects of life in the military, historical events involving the military, and educational programs which focus on tools, strategies, and lifestyles implemented by the government for military life. Some of these shows are: Top Ten Bombers; Top Ten Fighters; Top Ten Helicopters; Weaponology; Missions that Changed the War; and many more. Along with shows, some other popular programs offered by the network include World War II in Color, Future Weapons, and a show segment named Officer and a Movie, which shows a military movie, along with an interview with an officer of the armed forces.