
Watch NowThisNews

  • 2013

NowThisNews is a digital news outlet and media company that publishes news updates and political opinions in short-form video content that is meant to be easily consumed and shared on social media platforms. Launched in 2012, the media organization aims to engage a younger, tech-savvy audience and has gained a significant following on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, where they share their latest news stories and highlight their reporters and journalists.

NowThisNews offers a wide range of news content covering both U.S. and global news, politics, business, science, and entertainment. Their reporting style is short, sharp, and direct, with their videos mostly under a minute long on average. Their stories are grounded in facts and often rely on expert commentary to provide additional context and analysis. NowThisNews’ coverage is comprehensive and covers a broad range of issues, from education, healthcare, and climate change to gun control, immigration, and police reform.

One of the things that sets NowThisNews apart from traditional news outlets is their focus on social justice issues and giving voice to marginalized communities. They cover topics like LGBTQ+ rights, feminism, and racial inequality, as well as highlighting underrepresented voices in their work. This often includes featuring interviews with young activists and community leaders who are making a difference in their local communities.

NowThisNews is also interested in engaging their audience and drawing them into the conversation on current events. They frequently post polls on social media to get feedback from their fans and prompt discussions about political topics. They also collaborate with their fans to create content and participate in challenges, such as their #VoteTogether challenge, which encouraged young voters to get involved in the 2018 midterm elections.

The production quality of NowThisNews’ videos is high, with visually appealing animations, graphics, and footage. They often use text and subtitles to highlight key facts and figures, which makes their videos easily watchable even when sound is not available or turned off. Their use of social media influencers and celebrities to promote their content has also helped to grow their following.

NowThisNews is also known for being fast and responsive when it comes to breaking news, often releasing videos or live streams within minutes of an event happening. During major events such as elections, rallies or protests, they provide in-depth coverage, which includes interviews with experts, analysis from journalists, and footage from the ground.

With over 20 million social media followers, NowThisNews is one of the largest and most influential digital news organizations in the world. Their audience is predominantly made up of millennials and gen-z who consume news through social media. They have successfully tapped into this market, creating content that resonates with their audience and encourages them to share their posts.

In conclusion, NowThisNews is a dynamic and influential digital news organization that is changing the way we consume and interact with news. Their focus on social justice and marginalized communities has helped to set them apart from traditional news outlets, and their commitment to engaging their audience and drawing them into the conversation has helped to create a loyal following of young, engaged news consumers. Their fast and responsive reporting on breaking news and events, high production value, and comprehensive coverage make them a must-follow for anyone interested in current events and politics.