Win for Kristen Stewart: Lily Collins' Movie Forced to Remove 'Snow White' From Title

From the beginning, the two Snow White movies due out next year (one with Lily Collins, the other with Kristen Stewart), have been at odds with each other. Between races to announce their cast members first to releasing their photos first to pushing up their release dates so they come out first, it's been contentious the entire way.

But Kristen Stewart's "Snow White and the Huntsman" has just gained an advantage: despite the fact that the Lily Collins movie is hitting theaters first, legal issues have prevented it from using the name Snow White in the title at all.

That's a fairly big hit for the movie, especially since it's the one that is leaning more heavily on the original fairy tale and could benefit from the name recognition.

So, what did the formerly titled "The Brothers Grimm: Snow White" decide to change its name to? Drumroll please: "Mirror Mirror" was the final decision for a Snow White-less title.

What do you think? It still brings the Snow White tale to mind, though it also seems to focus a little more on the evil queen than on Snow herself. But considering the movie stars Julia Roberts as the queen, maybe that's not such a bad idea.

Now that they both have a name, which are you more excited for: "Mirror Mirror" or "Snow White and the Huntsman?"