The 5 Best Reactions from Twihards over Kristen Stewart Cheating

Anyone who has spent time on the Internet knows how vocal Twihards can be. Say something to slight Kristen Stewart or Robert Pattinson and you may find yourself faced with an army of angry fans. But what if Stewart herself slights Pattinson by cheating on him with her "Snow White and the Huntsman" director?

Apparently the result is a hodgepodge of fan-created images that defend, attack, forgive or outright insult Kristen Stewart. Some fans immediately jumped to K-Stew's defense, claiming that US Weekly, which broke the story, is full of liars.

In fact, many fans went so far as to attempt to prove that the whole thing was just photoshopped, because Kristen would never do such a thing. Here's one of the better entries in that camp:

Seriously, what are those arrows even pointing to?

Others chose to make inspirational messages of support, such as this deliciously grammatically confusing one:

Honestly I'm not sure grammar can get any worse than that.

Oh wait, I was wrong:

I love here, too. I shouldn't be too hard on this person, as at least she was consistent with using both "me" and "her" incorrectly.

After Stewart admitted to cheating and the reality of the situation sunk in for Twihards everywhere, these little image tributes took a turn for the downright mean:

Let's see... denial, anger, acceptance, probably some grief... throw in bargaining and we have ourselves all five stages of loss, being experienced by people who are not even in the relationship. That's probably healthy.