Will Ferrell Finally Makes His 'Office' Debut

Will Ferrell Finally Makes His 'Office' Debut At long last, Will Ferrell made his debut on "The Office" last night and it was worth the wait.

The comedian began his four-episode stint on the NBC comedy, entering Dunder Mifflin as Deangelo Vickers, Michael Scott's replacement.

How did the meeting between the new hire and the longstanding head honcho go? Welp, if it wasn't awkward it wouldn't be Michael Scott.

Vickers character was goofy at it's core but he had ability to take authority. In Michael Scott's case he was never truly able to take charge, something that endeared him to viewers for years.

We know that Ferrell will only complete this 4-week arc on the show, so it still remains to be seen who will be the full time replacement.

Sadly, we have come to grips with the reality that Steve Carell will bid adieu to his staff for good on April 28.

The full episode is available here but you can watch the initial Vickers/Scott encounter below: