'True Blood' Episode 3 Preview: Scary Eric and Judge Bill (VIDEO)

Last week's episode of "True Blood" left us wondering about Jason's fate, Sookie's run-in with Eric (and Eric's run-in with the witches), and Bill's new role as Vampire King. Those issues will be addressed this week in episode three, "If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'," and here are some clips to tease it!

The first clip brings us back to Jason and his interesting predicament. A conversation with Crystal reveals that she's still on his side (sort of) but brings a lot more confusion for Jason.

The second clip shows us the fallout from Tara and Lafayette's encounter with Eric, and further confirmation that Tara should probably just stay the heck away from Bon Temps.

The third clip shows us how Bill works in his new position...when a misbehaving vampire is taken in front of him for judgement, Bill is swift and merciless about it. Is this the new Bill? Is he mean because he's mean, or is it all for the good of the AVL?

Check out the clips below: