Episode 'True Blood' Season 4, Episode 3 - 'If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?' Recap

Episode  'True Blood' Season 4, Episode 3 - 'If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?' Recap Eric has a wicked case of witchcraft-induced amnesia and you guys, it is beyond adorable! He spends the episode bumbling about like an eager to please, super lethal Labrador. All his sociopathic suaveness is just gone and in its place is this awkward, inappropriate innocence. Alexander Skarsgard is knocking it out of the park in all his scenes, and it is so very fun to watch.

Eric still hits on Sookie and comes close to menacing her in his own cuddly amnesiac way, but he is just hilariously mortified when he pops an unexpected fangboner in front of her. Sookie can’t help being charmed by this blank slate version of Eric and so she agrees to help take care of him and doesn’t even get that mad when he eats her fairy godmother Claudine on accident.

Back at the Moon Goddess Emporium, the witches are flipping out.  Marnie recovers from her bite and tries to rally the coven on grounds of religious freedom. Lafayette is like, “Religion my ass, Eric Northman is 1000 years worth of raging undead hotness and he will literally make witch-kabobs of us all for dinner. I’m out.”

Marnie doesn’t know how she did what she did but she is determined to get back in touch with the spirit that was controlling her. She performs an invitation ritual in which we see her begging to get chosen for another possession with all the grace of an awkward kid hoping to not get picked last in P.E.  She throws in a little blood sacrifice and some kind of Salem witch trial looking lady appears in the mirror. Be careful what you wish for indeed.

Checking in with the White Panther Party over in Hotshot, Jason is all bit up, feverish, and still tied to that nasty-ass bed.  Crystal comes in periodically to carry on about some kind of trashy panther creation myth and obsess about their future relationship in front of her current husband and various sister/brother cousins. Turns out they’re not just making Jason into a werepanther for Crystal’s sake, it looks like he’s going to be forced to play stud for every girl of breeding age in town. This plot line is so majorly f-ed. Side note, I really think there’s more to Timbo than meets the eye.

For Bill Compton it’s royal business as usual, calmly executing foolish vamps who get caught feeding on camera and starting up a friends with benefits arrangement with Portia Bellefleur. It is nice to see he still has time to dole out relationship advice to Jessica when she shows up in a tizzy after feeding on some non-Hoyt human at Fangtasia.

Though she follows Bill’s advice to tell Hoyt what she did, she doesn’t handle conflict well and ends up glamouring him to end the painful fight.  Also, remember that creepy old babydoll that was in the house when Hoyt first took Jessica to see it at the end of last season? Apparently, they keep throwing it away only to have it show back up on their bed. Jessica pawns the freaky thing off on Arlene’s devil baby but I expect that her evil doll troubles are far from over.

Next week, it’s Halloween in Bon Temps and things are bound to get even weirder than usual.  I can’t wait!