Angry Video Game Nerd Season 1 Episode 15

Ep 15. Chronologically Confused About Bad Movie and Video Game Sequel Titles

  • November 18, 2006
  • 11 min

In season 1, episode 15 of Angry Video Game Nerd, titled "Chronologically Confused About Bad Movie and Video Game Sequel Titles," the Nerd takes a deep dive into the confusing world of sequel titles in video games and movies.

The episode starts with the Nerd introducing the topic by discussing how sequel titles in the entertainment industry can be confusing, with titles that don't follow chronological order or make sense thematically. He then proceeds to examine several examples of this phenomenon, starting with the Friday the 13th film series and its convoluted sequel titles.

He then moves on to video game sequels, examining titles like Final Fantasy, Mega Man, and Sonic the Hedgehog, all of which have confusing numbering and naming conventions. The Nerd hilariously rants about how the numbering of Final Fantasy games is completely nonsensical and how the Mega Man series has "more sequels than necessary."

After discussing several examples of confusing sequel titles, the Nerd offers his own solution to the problem: a chronological numbering system that makes sense both thematically and chronologically. He concocts his own numbering system for the Friday the 13th movies, which he argues makes much more sense than the actual titles.

The episode concludes with the Nerd reflecting on the importance of sequel titles, arguing that they can make or break a franchise. He urges developers and filmmakers to take more care in crafting titles that make sense and don't confuse audiences.

Overall, this episode is classic Angry Video Game Nerd, with James Rolfe (the actor who plays the Nerd) delivering his trademark sarcastic humor and insightful commentary on the world of video games and movies. Fans of the series will love this episode for its witty humor and insightful analysis of sequel titles.

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  • First Aired
    November 18, 2006
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language