Celebrities Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions Season 4 Episode 5

Ep 5. Bella Thorne Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions

  • October 5, 2018
  • 5 min

Bella Thorne has been in the public eye since she was a child, but there are still plenty of things people want to know about her. In this episode of Celebrities Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions, Bella tackles questions about her personal life, career, and more.

The episode starts off with some lighthearted questions, like "What does Bella Thorne eat in a day?" and "Does Bella Thorne have a tattoo?" Bella answers these questions with ease, revealing that she's a fan of cereal and almond milk, and that she has more than 20 tattoos.

As the questions continue, things get a little more personal. Bella is asked about her relationship with her ex-boyfriend, rapper Mod Sun, and whether or not they are still friends. She's also asked about her sexuality, and whether she identifies as bisexual or pansexual. Bella is open and honest throughout the episode, sharing that she does still care about Mod Sun and that she is attracted to both men and women.

Other topics covered in the episode include Bella's music career, her experience on the show Famous in Love, and her thoughts on social media. She's asked about her favorite songs to perform onstage, and whether or not she would ever consider doing another season of Famous in Love. When it comes to social media, Bella admits that she does feel pressure to maintain a certain image online, but that she tries to be authentic as much as possible.

The episode also touches on some more lighthearted topics, like Bella's fashion sense and her love of animals. She's asked about her favorite fashion designers and her must-have clothing items, as well as whether or not she has any pets (spoiler alert: she has nine!).

Throughout the episode, Bella is her usual candid self, not shying away from any of the questions thrown her way. She's open about her struggles with mental health, and how she manages anxiety and depression. She also talks about the importance of standing up for what you believe in, even if it means facing criticism or backlash from others.

Overall, Bella Thorne Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions is a fun and engaging episode that gives viewers a glimpse into the life of one of Hollywood's most intriguing young stars. Whether you're a longtime fan of Bella's or simply curious about her personal life and career, there's something for everyone in this episode.

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  • First Aired
    October 5, 2018
  • Runtime
    5 min
  • Language