Microsoft Excel 2016 - Training Season 2 Episode 1

Ep 1. Working with Functions

  • December 31, 2016
  • 67 min

Microsoft Excel 2016 - Training season 2 episode 1, titled "Working with Functions," is designed to help users improve their Excel skills by showcasing how to work with various functions within the software. This episode is geared towards individuals who already have some experience with Excel and are looking to take their expertise to the next level.

The host starts by discussing the concept of functions and how they are used in Excel. He explains that functions are predefined formulas that perform calculations in a cell or range of cells. The host also points out that Excel comes loaded with a variety of functions that users can utilize, including basic math functions such as addition and subtraction, as well as more complex functions such as statistical and financial formulas.

In this episode, users will learn how to work with a number of functions, including the SUM function, which adds a range of cells together, the AVERAGE function, which calculates the average of a selected range of cells, and the MAX and MIN functions, which find the highest and lowest values in a range of cells.

The host emphasizes the importance of using parentheses with functions. When using functions, it is essential to use parentheses, as they help the software determine which cells need to be included in the calculation.

The host also discusses how to use the IF function, which allows users to specify a condition and then have Excel perform a particular calculation if that condition is met. This function can be particularly useful in certain scenarios, such as when a user needs to apply a discount to a selected range of cells if the total value of those cells exceeds a certain threshold.

In addition to explaining how to use specific functions, this episode also covers some general tips and tricks for working with functions in Excel. The host explains how to use the AutoSum function, which can quickly add up a selected range of cells, as well as how to use the Function Arguments dialog box to input more complex formulas.

Other topics covered in this episode include how to use relative and absolute references in functions, how to use the PMT function to determine the payment for a loan or mortgage, and how to use the CONCATENATE function to join text strings together in a single cell.

Throughout the episode, users are provided with plenty of examples and demonstrations to help them understand how to use the various functions. The host also provides clear and concise explanations of each concept to ensure that even individuals who are new to Excel can follow along.

Overall, Microsoft Excel 2016 - Training season 2 episode 1 is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their skills when working with functions in Excel. The episode is well-paced, easy to follow and provides viewers with the knowledge they need to start utilizing functions in their own work.

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  • First Aired
    December 31, 2016
  • Runtime
    67 min
  • Language