Joss Whedon Hints That 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog' Sequel With Neil Patrick Harris Is in the Works

The webseries that started as a writer's strike pick-up project and ended up redefining what webisodes can be is about to get even better.

In an interview with The New York Times, director Joss Whedon has revealed that he plans on revisiting "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" (starring Neil Patrick Harris) as soon as possible for a sequel, and in fact the songs are currently being written.

So why the long wait?

"We’ve just all got jobs. And it’s not like Neil, Nathan and Felicia ain’t busy either," said Whedon.

He's right, too: Neil Patrick Harris stars on "How I Met Your Mother" and still manages to star in and direct the occasional musical, Nathan Fillion stars on "Castle," and Felicia Day is busy with her own webseries "The Guild." Plus, of course, Whedon himself is directing Marvel's "The Avengers."

It's interesting that Whedon would mention Day, though. In the original "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" she ends up--SPOILER ALERT--a bit living-challenged at the end. Will Penny be revived for the sequel? I could totally see Dr. Horrible inventing some kind of reanimation device, or else a time machine to go back and save her.

Sound off, Dr. Horrible fans! How do you think the sequel will play out?

Watch "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" Act 1, Part 1: