Check Out Two New 'Breaking Dawn' Posters (See Bella's Engagement Ring!)

Summit Entertainment released two brand new "Breaking Dawn" posters today via Yahoo! Movies, and you're going to want to see them.

One features Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristen Stewart) kanoodling, and the other shows Jacob (Taylor Lautner) off brooding in a corner.

Oh, and did we mention one of the posters shows off Bella's engagement ring?

You can see a close-up of it below (from the official Twilight Twitter account), but suffice it to say, Edward must shop at some jewelry store that only accepts American Express, Vampire Edition, because that is some seriously sparkly-ass business.

Jacob's poster is most probably collectible, given that Taylor Lautner is caught in the rare position of actually wearing a shirt.

He looks pissed about not being in the other poster with Bella, but happy to have his wolfpack at the ready.

Enjoy the latest promo posters for "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" below: