Amazing: 'Dexter'-Themed Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream...Now With Body Parts!

Amazing: 'Dexter'-Themed Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream...Now With Body Parts! Just when you thought the internet couldn't get any better, it gives you another awesome thing to look at.

Graphic artist John Defreest has a knack for manipulating Ben & Jerry's cartons in Photoshop to create new flavors based on our favorite TV shows.

A while back, he created a Ron Swanson flavor, "All the Bacon and Eggs You Have," which was just brilliant, if not a little disgusting.

But Defreest's new "Dexter" flavor gives the Swanson one a run for its money, both in the cleverness and grossness categories. The fictional flavor, called "Miami Slice," consists of key lime pie-flavored ice cream with a blood strawberry swirl and white and dark chocolate "body parts." If you get over what the ingredients are supposed to represent, that actually sounds damn good.

The "body parts" and "blood strawberry swirl" are obvious, but the master stroke is including the key lime pie. Non-fans might just assume it's because of the Miami location, but those who know and love the show will remember the episode that had Dexter searching for the perfect key lime pie to give to Camilla.

Check out the photo below, courtesy of NYmag. Pretty good, eh?