Lopez's Last Laugh

Image: HBO Considering TBS dropped news of cancellation of his show on George Lopez like a neutron bomb, releasing a statement and giving him just one more episode before closing the doors, Lopez handled himself pretty well in his final episode last night.

He joked about being unemployed and the perils of being brown vs. blue, drooled over a pregnant-but-still-tunning Jessica Alba, and more or less kept his anger under a thin enough veil to assure he ends up getting work elsewhere.

He even managed to get in a vaguely funny Charlie Sheen joke in: “Like every TV star before me, I’ma find some crack. I’ma get on the pipe! ...But I’m taking it good, I’m straight, believe me. I’m fine. My goddesses… are a wreck. They left me."

He did get in one angry jab at TBS “We’re not saying goodbye. We’re saying cable doesn’t work.”

Watch George Lopez's final monologue on "Lopez Tonight."