Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing Gagapanda!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing Gagapanda! It looks like Lady Gaga has taken Weird Al's "Perform This Way" video as a personal challenge to get even stranger. This week, she unveiled her latest alter ego to Japanese TV audiences in an interview with the show "Sukkiri." It's a panda. Named Gagapanda. Not. Kidding.

"I really like pandas," she told the show's hosts. "Pandas have paws, and I always tell my fans to put their paws up. I've been eating a lot of bamboo this week," she said.

Gaga (sorry, Gagapanda) has had to use her paws quite a bit this week. She was sued by the ever-so-credible folks at 1-800-LAW-FIRM, who are bringing a class-action suit against Gaga for charging for shipping and handling and sales tax on the bracelets she sold for Japanese earthquake relief.

Her lawyers responded to the attention-whoring lawsuit with some rather terse words today:

“This misguided lawsuit is without merit and unfortunately takes attention away from the kind deeds of the fans around the world who are supporting the people of Japan. The entire $5 donation made with the purchase of each bracelet is going to support the disaster relief. No profit is being made on shipping costs. Sales tax charges were made in accordance with local legal requirements. Lady Gaga has personally pledged her own funds to this cause and continues to support the victims of the disaster.”

So yeah, 1-800-F%^&-YOUGUYS. Gagapanda's gonna paw your sh^& right up.

Anyway, it's clear from the video of the show that Gaga understands Japanese audiences, and particularly their love for outlandish fashion. Her panda outfit fits right in with the show's cast, and with the tight hair buns and blacked out eyes, we'd bet 1,000 yen that Japanese teenage girls are imiitating the look as we speak.

In the second half of the show, Gaga meets the maker of Hello Kitty (for real), and gets a special, personalized, autographed Hello Kitty doll, which is sort of amazing to watch, really.

Assuming you have not recently consumed large quantitites of acid, check out the videos of the show below. If you have been indulging in hallucinogens, stay away, or your mind will certainly turn to jelly. Then get eaten by Gagapanda.

Watch Gaga tell the world about Gagapanda: