New 'True Blood' Season 5 Characters: Marcus' Mama, Alcide's Dad

New 'True Blood' Season 5 Characters: Marcus' Mama, Alcide's Dad Sure, it's still going to be quite a while until "True Blood" returns to your TV screen (heck winter has barely even started), but that doesn't mean we can't feed on casting rumors and speculate wildly about what the next season will hold. Right?

We learned about some potential baddies a little while ago, but new characters have emerged recently and one of them, it seems, has actually been cast! Interestingly, they're both werewolf parents.

TV Line is reporting that Dale Dickey of "My Name is Earl" fame will be joining the show to play Annie, the werewolf mother of the now-deceased Marcus. Apparently Annie's goal will be to perform an important ritual, though the details of what that ritual will actually do are under wraps. Theories point to revenge against Alcide, which would make sense.

Annie isn't the only werewolf parent joining the cast, either: a casting call has gone out for J.D., a werewolf in his 50's who is mistrusting of the rest of the pack. Fans of the book series know that Alcide's dad plays a big role in the fifth novel, so this J.D. could in fact be Alcide's father. Good luck finding a 50-something with awesome abs, guys.

We'll have to see how all of these new characters fit in to season 5 of "True Blood." Will the show stick to the books, or will we stray from the plot on the pages and get something completely new?