Watch A Personal History of Australian Surf

  • 1983
  • 52 hr

A Personal History of Australian Surf is a documentary film that explores the rich and vibrant history of surfing in Australia. The movie takes an in-depth look at the evolution of surfing culture in the country, from its origins in the early 1900s to the present day. The film features interviews with some of Australia's most renowned surfers, including legends such as Mark Occhilupo and Wayne Lynch, as well as rising stars such as Stephanie Gilmore and Mick Fanning. These interviews provide an intimate insight into the culture of surfing and how it has evolved over the years.

The film is narrated by former world surfing champion Tom Carroll, who takes the viewer on a journey through the decades, highlighting key moments and figures in the history of Australian surfing. From the pioneering surfers of the early 1900s who rode wooden boards and wore woolen swimsuits, to the advent of the shortboard revolution in the 1960s and the rise of professional surfing in the 1990s, the movie offers a comprehensive look at the sport and its culture.

Throughout the film, stunning footage showcases the best surf locations in Australia, including famous breaks such as Bells Beach, Snapper Rocks, and Margaret River. The movie captures the raw power and beauty of the ocean, and the sheer joy that surfing brings to those who ride its waves.

A Personal History of Australian Surf is more than just a documentary about surfing. It is a celebration of Australian culture and identity, and how surfing has played a central role in shaping both. The film explores the way in which surfing has become intertwined with Australian identity, and how it has impacted everything from fashion to music.

The documentary also touches on some of the challenges facing Australian surf culture today. From environmental concerns such as climate change and pollution, to social issues such as overcrowding and localism, the movie addresses some of the challenges that surfers face in the modern world.

In addition to its engaging content, A Personal History of Australian Surf is beautifully shot and edited. The film features an evocative soundtrack that perfectly captures the mood and spirit of Australian surf culture.

Overall, A Personal History of Australian Surf is a must-see for anyone interested in surfing, Australian culture, or simply breathtaking visuals. The film offers a fascinating look at the history and culture of surfing in Australia, and is an ode to the beauty of the ocean and the joy of riding its waves.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    52 hr