Michael Jackson's Ghosts

Watch Michael Jackson's Ghosts

  • R
  • 1997
  • 35 min
  • 7.5  (5,965)

Michael Jackson's Ghosts is a 1996 short film which features Michael Jackson as the protagonist. It is a horror-comedy film that was written by Michael Jackson, Stephen King and Mick Garris. The film was directed by Stan Winston, who is well-known for his work on films such as Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Predator and Iron Man. The story of the film revolves around a mayor who leads a mob of villagers to forcefully evict a mysterious haunted mansion rumored to have been occupied by a freakish, eccentric artist who is perceived to be a threat to their community. It is revealed that the mansion is home to a group of ghosts who terrorize the villagers!

Jackson plays the role of the "Maestro", a supernatural entertainer who lives in the mansion. The Maestro, who is a ghost himself, is an eccentric artist who creates magical performances for children, such as turning himself into a skeleton and a werewolf. When the mayor and the villagers come to his mansion one night, the Maestro decides to perform a show for them. The show involves a variety of magical creatures and characters, including ghosts, skeletons, and zombies.

The villagers are initially scared by the show, but soon they begin to enjoy it. However, the mayor becomes suspicious of the Maestro's intentions and accuses him of trying to corrupt and harm the children with his shows. The Maestro is then faced with the choice of either convincing the mayor and the villagers that he means no harm or leaving the mansion and his beloved creations behind.

The film blends humor, horror, and suspense while tackling themes such as racism and intolerance. It also features a number of innovative visual effects, particularly for its time, with the use of advanced motion-capture techniques to create realistic-looking ghosts and other supernatural creatures.

Michael Jackson's Ghosts was released as a long-form music video for the song "Ghosts," which was written and performed by Jackson. The 38-minute film was followed by a making-of documentary that showcased the behind-the-scenes footage of the making of the movie. The movie received positive critical acclaim for its impressive visuals and unique storyline.

In conclusion, Michael Jackson's Ghosts is a unique and entertaining horror-comedy film that showcases Michael Jackson's creativity, talent, and vision. It's a must-watch for fans of Michael Jackson and fans of horror-comedy movies alike. It may not be a feature-length film, but the plot is thoroughly developed, and the great acting and stunning special effects still hold up well today!

Michael Jackson's Ghosts
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    35 min
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (5,965)