The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs Season 7 Episode 1

Ep 1. Chopping Mall

  • April 24, 2020
  •   (74)

The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs is back, and season 7 kicks off with an 80s cult classic - Chopping Mall. Fans of the show have been eagerly waiting for this season to begin, and this episode does not disappoint.

For those who are unfamiliar with the show's concept, The Last Drive-in is a horror movie marathon hosted by legendary horror host Joe Bob Briggs. Joe Bob's unique brand of humor and commentary make watching even the most terrifying horror movies enjoyable. Each episode features two movies with intermissions filled with behind-the-scenes stories, trivia, and anecdotes about the films.

Chopping Mall follows a group of teens who decide to break into a high-tech mall after hours to party. Unbeknownst to them, the mall's security robots have been reprogrammed with a violent streak. Chaos ensues as the teens are hunted down one by one by the malfunctioning robots.

Joe Bob kicks things off with his signature monologue, setting the stage for the film and filling audiences in on any interesting trivia and behind-the-scenes stories. His opening remarks include interesting tidbits such as the fact that the movie was originally called Killbots but was changed to Chopping Mall to appeal to a wider audience.

One of the highlights of the show is Joe Bob's commentary, which is always informative and entertaining. He points out the various hidden references and humorous moments in the movie, and his commentary is often just as funny as the movie itself.

The first intermission features a special guest appearance from actress Barbara Crampton, who starred in the 80s cult classic Re-Animator. Crampton joins Joe Bob for a lively discussion about the horror genre and her experiences working on some of the most iconic horror movies of the 80s.

After the intermission, the movie continues with even more action and suspense as the teens try to evade the murderous robots. The final act of the movie features some truly epic showdowns between the teens and the robots, making for some thrilling moments.

The final intermission features Joe Bob's mailbag, where he reads and answers questions from his fans. Joe Bob's enthusiasm for the show and the horror genre is infectious, and his passion for what he does is evident in every episode.

Overall, The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs season 7 episode 1 – Chopping Mall is a great start to the season. The movie is a classic 80s horror flick, and Joe Bob's commentary adds a whole new layer of enjoyment to the viewing experience. Fans of the show and fans of horror movies in general will not want to miss this episode.

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  • First Aired
    April 24, 2020
  • Language