Ali Wong: Hard Knock Wife

Watch Ali Wong: Hard Knock Wife

  • TV-MA
  • 2018
  • 1 hr 4 min
  • 7.3  (5,550)

Ali Wong: Hard Knock Wife is a 2018 comedy special starring comedian Ali Wong. The special was filmed at the Chicago Theatre and directed by Jay Karas. The show runs for approximately one hour and features Wong's signature raunchy humor, which touches on topics such as pregnancy, marriage and motherhood. The show opens with Wong addressing the audience, stating that she is currently seven and a half months pregnant and that her previous show, Baby Cobra, was filmed when she was seven and a half months pregnant with her first child. Wong then proceeds to dive right into her material, starting with a routine about her experience breastfeeding her daughter. She uses her personal experiences to weave in commentary on motherhood and marriage, acknowledging the challenges while still finding humor in the situation.

The comedy special is full of Wong's distinct wit, energy and humor that her fans have come to love. She discusses the ups and downs of motherhood and shares her experiences of trying to balance her career and family life. Wong doesn't hold back and is not afraid to share even the most personal moments of her life. She manages to make the audience both cringe and laugh out loud at the same time.

As the special continues, Wong delves deeper into themes of motherhood and the struggles of raising children while still trying to maintain a career. She talks about how society views motherhood and how she has refused to let pregnancy and motherhood slow her down in her career. She also shares her own insecurities and vulnerability as she navigates being a mother and a comedian.

Wong's material is not without its critiques of contemporary societal norms, particularly in relation to gender roles and diversity. In one particularly punchy bit, Wong addresses the lack of diversity in Hollywood casting and skewers the problematic role models put forth to young women.

The special closes with Wong reflecting on her journey over the past year, sharing her thoughts on the responsibilities of being a parent, her growth in her career, and the comedic potential of raw honesty. Wong once again uses her own life as a vehicle to explore deeper meaning, all while keeping the laughter flowing.

Overall, Ali Wong: Hard Knock Wife is a hilarious and honest exploration of motherhood, marriage and finding success as a comedian. Wong manages to find humor in even the most brutal of truths, and her raw delivery and fearless honesty make this special a must-watch for anyone who enjoys stand-up comedy. The show's infectious energy, refreshing perspective, and undeniable humor make it a riotous and enjoyable hour of television.

Ali Wong: Hard Knock Wife
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 4 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (5,550)