Alice's Restaurant in the Style of Arlo Guthrie

Watch Alice's Restaurant in the Style of Arlo Guthrie

  • 1967
  • 18 min

Alice's Restaurant is a classic movie that takes you through a whimsical journey that is both funny and touching. The movie stars none other than yours truly, Arlo Guthrie, and tells the story of my adventures as a young man during the 1960s. The movie is based on a true-to-life story that happened in my own life. It all starts when I, as a young and carefree man, decide to hitchhike across the United States. I end up in a small town in Massachusetts, where I meet Alice, the proprietor of a small restaurant.

Alice's Restaurant is the heart of the town - a place where the townsfolk gather to eat, drink, and enjoy each other's company. Alice is a larger-than-life figure who takes me under her wing and teaches me the ways of the restaurant business. In no time, I become a fixture at the restaurant, and I am welcomed into the community with open arms.

The movie takes its title from the song that I wrote about Alice and her restaurant. The song itself is a masterpiece, with a catchy tune and lyrics that capture the essence of the era. It's become something of an anthem for the counter-culture movement of the 1960s, and it's still played frequently today.

But the movie is not just about me and the restaurant - it's also about the era that we lived in. The 1960s were a time of great change in America, and the movie captures that spirit perfectly. It's a time of anti-war protests, civil rights activism, and a general sense of rebellion against the establishment.

This spirit of rebellion is captured perfectly in the movie's most famous scene - the Thanksgiving dinner. Alice invites all of the local drifters, hippies, and outcasts to a massive feast in her restaurant. The scene is chaotic and hilarious, as the guests drink and smoke and generally make a mess of things.

But amidst all the craziness, there is a sense of camaraderie and togetherness. It's a moment when all of the misfits and outcasts of society come together and find a sense of belonging. It's a truly beautiful scene, and it speaks to the heart of what the movie is all about.

Throughout the movie, there are countless other memorable moments. There's the sequence where I'm forced to deal with the absurd bureaucracy of the Selective Service System. There's the scene where I play a concert in a prison, and I'm attacked by a group of unruly inmates. And of course, there's the final climactic scene in which I confront the draft board and refuse to fight in the Vietnam War.

Through it all, the movie is a celebration of life, love, and laughter. It's a testament to the fact that even under the most dire circumstances, there is always hope and joy to be found. And it's a reminder that in the end, it's our relationships with each other that matter most.

As the star of the movie, I'm incredibly proud of how it turned out. The director, Arthur Penn, did an amazing job of capturing the spirit of the time, and the cast and crew worked tirelessly to bring my story to life. But even more importantly, I'm proud of the fact that the movie has become such an important part of American culture. It's a movie that still resonates with people today, and it continues to inspire new generations to stand up for what they believe in.

If you haven't seen Alice's Restaurant yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. It's a movie that will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you feel a sense of hope for the future. It's a movie that celebrates the power of community and the triumph of the human spirit. And above all, it's a movie that reminds us that no matter how crazy life gets, we should always take the time to stop and smell the roses.

Alice's Restaurant in the Style of Arlo Guthrie
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    18 min