Cold Sweat

Watch Cold Sweat

"Cold blooded murder, hot blooded passion... An erotic thriller that will make you sweat!"
  • R
  • 1993
  • 1 hr 33 min
  • 4.6  (652)

Cold Sweat is a thrilling action movie from 1993 starring Ben Cross, Adam Baldwin, and Shannon Tweed. The story takes place in the beautiful and exotic region of South America, where a group of four treasure-hunting adventurers come across an ancient gold statue worth millions of dollars. But little did they know that this discovery would lead them down a dangerous path, filled with violence and betrayal.

The main character, Joe Martin (Ben Cross), is a former soldier turned adventure seeker who is determined to find the hidden treasure. He is joined by his friend Mark Cahill (Adam Baldwin), an experienced treasure seeker who has his own agenda. Together with two other adventurers, they venture deep into the jungle, where they encounter armed guerillas and hired mercenaries, who are also after the treasure.

One of the main themes of the movie is the battle between traditional values and modern technology. As Joe and his team make their way through the jungle, they are also followed by a high-tech tracker, who uses advanced surveillance techniques to monitor their every move. The movie highlights the conflict between the two sides, with the traditionalists being represented by Joe and his team, who rely on their skills and knowledge of the land, while the more modern approach is represented by the tracker.

As the adventure unfolds, the team members are tested both physically and mentally, as they face multiple obstacles and challenges. Some of the most exciting scenes in the movie involve high-speed chases through the jungle, explosive shootouts with the mercenaries, and close combat with the guerillas.

One of the standout performances in the movie is from Shannon Tweed, who plays a determined and resourceful journalist who is also after the treasure. She is able to hold her own with the male leads and provides a strong female perspective to the movie. Adam Baldwin also gives a strong performance as Mark Cahill, who has his own dark motives for joining the adventure.

Overall, Cold Sweat is a high-octane action movie filled with exciting set pieces and memorable characters. The movie has a great sense of adventure and takes the audience on a thrilling ride through the exotic landscapes of South America. With its mix of old-school action and modern technology, Cold Sweat is sure to appeal to fans of both classic and modern action movies.

Cold Sweat
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 33 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    4.6  (652)