Crop Circle's Hidden Messages - Swastika & Possible ISIS Attacks

Watch Crop Circle's Hidden Messages - Swastika & Possible ISIS Attacks

  • 2016
  • 5 hr

Crop Circle's Hidden Messages - Swastika & Possible ISIS Attacks is a thought-provoking documentary film that delves deep into the mysterious phenomenon of crop circles. The film is directed by Ken Peters and highlights the astonishing revelations that have come to light in recent years about these stunning geometric formations that appear out of nowhere in farmers' fields.

Crop Circle's Hidden Messages begins with an overview of the history of crop circles, dating back to the late 1970s when the first reports of these mysterious formations emerged in southern England. Over the years, crop circles have become increasingly complex, with intricate patterns and designs that seem to defy explanation. But what do they mean, and who (or what) is creating them?

The film explores several fascinating theories about the origins and meanings of crop circles, including the idea that they are messages from extraterrestrial beings, manifestations of Earth's subconscious mind, or even a form of ancient sacred geometry communicated by long-lost civilizations.

One of the most compelling revelations to emerge from the film is the discovery of a swastika pattern in a crop circle formation. The swastika is a controversial symbol that has been used in many cultures throughout history, but is most commonly associated with the Nazi party and white supremacists. The appearance of this symbol in a crop circle raises important questions about its possible meaning and its implications for modern society.

Crop Circle's Hidden Messages also investigates the possibility that crop circles may be warning signs of impending terrorist attacks by ISIS or other extremist groups. The film explores the recent increase in crop circle formations near military bases and other sensitive locations, and speculates that these may be an attempt to communicate a threat to the authorities.

Throughout the film, Peters interviews a number of experts and enthusiasts who have been studying crop circles for years. These include scientists, researchers, and even crop circle "hunters" who scour the countryside looking for new formations.

The film is visually stunning, with aerial footage of crop circle formations that showcase their intricate designs and symmetry. The eerie ambiance of the film is further enhanced by the haunting soundtrack, which features a combination of ambient and electronic music that adds to the otherworldly feel of the subject matter.

Overall, Crop Circle's Hidden Messages - Swastika & Possible ISIS Attacks is a fascinating exploration of a puzzling phenomenon that continues to confound experts and laypeople alike. This film provides a unique perspective on the subject, opening up new avenues of discussion and interpretation. Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, Crop Circle's Hidden Messages is sure to leave you with plenty to think about.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    5 hr