Dark Roads '79

Watch Dark Roads '79

  • 2020
  • 1 hr 35 min

Dark Roads '79 is a thrilling horror movie set in 1979, in a small town in Texas. The movie explores the story of two young couples, who set out on a road trip to attend a music festival in Austin. They take a shortcut through the countryside, on a road that is known for its dark history of unsolved murders and disappearances. As they drive through the abandoned country roads, they encounter a menacing figure in a pickup truck, who seems to be following them. Terrified, they try to outrun the truck, but soon realize that they are lost and stranded in the middle of nowhere. As night falls, they start to experience a series of gruesome events that lead them to discover the horrifying truth about the dark roads.

The cast of the movie comprises of experienced and talented actors, including Bill Moseley, Eddie George, Libby Blanton, and Jessica Sonneborn. Bill Moseley plays the role of a mysterious gas station owner, who is the only help the group can find in their moment of distress. Eddie George, the former NFL running back, plays the role of a rugged and tough character, who tries to protect his girlfriend from the horrors of the dark and dangerous roads. Libby Blanton is cast as the vulnerable and innocent girlfriend, who struggles to come to terms with the reality of their situation. Jessica Sonneborn plays the role of a strong-willed and smart female, who takes charge of the group and leads them towards survival.

The movie is an edge-of-the-seat thriller, that keeps the audience engaged and entertained throughout. The setting of the movie is perfect for a horror film, with the deserted and eerie countryside providing the perfect backdrop for the gruesome events that unfold. The movie is characterized by intense and gripping scenes, that leave the audience shocked and terrified. The movie also explores darker themes such as murder, revenge, and the human psyche.

The cinematography of the movie is exceptional, with the use of low lighting, shadows, and camera angles creating a sense of dread and tension. The sound design of the movie is also noteworthy, with the eerie and unsettling sounds adding to the overall horror of the situation. The musical score of the movie is also well-crafted, with a mix of retro and contemporary music adding to the atmosphere of the film.

Overall, Dark Roads '79 is a must-watch for horror movie enthusiasts. The acting, directing, and production values of the movie are outstanding, and the storyline is unique and unexpected. The ending of the movie is particularly noteworthy, with a clever and surprising twist that leaves the audience reeling. If you enjoy horror movies that are both thrilling and thought-provoking, Dark Roads '79 is the perfect choice for you.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 35 min