Detour To Danger

Watch Detour To Danger

"A vacation on the run, pursued by gangsters!"
  • 1946
  • 56 min
  • 3.6  (26)

Detour To Danger, released in 1946, is a gripping film noir that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Robert Stevenson, this suspenseful thriller stars Britt Wood, John Daheim, and Nancy Brinckman in mesmerizing performances that bring the story to life. Set in the post-World War II era, Detour To Danger is a tale of mystery, treachery, and unexpected alliances. The film opens with a tense scene at a small airport in a remote desert town. We meet our protagonist, Jack Malone (Britt Wood), a former military pilot turned charter flyer, who is forced to take on a perilous mission. Jack finds himself in the middle of a dangerous race against time when he is tasked with flying a mysterious package to an undisclosed location.

As Jack begrudgingly accepts the job, he becomes entangled in a web of conspiracy and danger that he never could have anticipated. The enigmatic package he is transporting holds more than just cargo—it holds the key to a sinister plot that could have widespread repercussions. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and Jack realizes he is not only fighting to deliver the package but also to protect his own life.

On his journey, Jack encounters the enigmatic Margo (Nancy Brinckman), a femme fatale with her own agenda. Margo's motives remain shrouded in secrecy, and Jack must decide if he can trust her or if she is merely another pawn in this treacherous game. Their complicated relationship adds an intriguing layer to the film as they struggle to survive against formidable adversaries who will stop at nothing to acquire the package.

John Daheim delivers a remarkable performance as the film's primary antagonist, Victor Ryerson. Ryerson is a powerful and cunning businessman with a sinister past. It soon becomes evident that his involvement in the plot is far-reaching, and his ruthless demeanor leaves no room for mercy. Daheim's portrayal brings a palpable sense of menace, making Ryerson a formidable foe for Jack and Margo.

Director Robert Stevenson masterfully creates a tense and atmospheric world, capturing the essence of film noir with moody lighting and shadowy cinematography. The black-and-white visuals perfectly complement the film's intense narrative, immersing the audience in a world filled with moral ambiguity and suspense.

Detour To Danger is a gripping cat-and-mouse chase that keeps viewers guessing until the very end. As Jack fights to stay one step ahead of his enemies and deliver the package safely, the twists and turns in the plot ensure that the audience is kept in anticipation. The film explores themes of trust, deception, and the lengths to which one must go to protect what is important.

The screenplay, penned by renowned writer Frank S. Nugent, is tight and clever, keeping the audience engrossed in the story's twists and turns. Nugent's dialogue adds depth to the characters, making them more than just archetypes.

With its thrilling plot, exceptional performances, and stylish cinematography, Detour To Danger remains a timeless classic in the film noir genre. It exemplifies the era's fascination with morally ambiguous characters and sinister undercurrents. This suspenseful ride is a must-see for fans of classic cinema, demonstrating why film noir continues to captivate audiences to this day.

Detour To Danger
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    56 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    3.6  (26)