For Export Only: Pesticides

Watch For Export Only: Pesticides

  • 58 min

For students and other viewers facing a world of globalization, free markets and deregulation, this investigative documentary reveals shocking information about corporations that export products to developing countries, products that are prohibited or severely restricted in the countries where they are made. Bans or restrictions are because the pesticides cause cancer, liver disease, central nervous system diseases, sterility and death. Specific products and manufacturers are named as the film documents their use and abuse in Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Kenya, Ghana, Bangladesh and Malaysia. Today's brand names may be changed, but the practices documented have not. Many pesticides cited are used on products we import, such as coffee, bananas and cotton. "More of a piece of investigative journalism than any other program honored. And what made it special was that it was produced not by a major station or network, but by Robert Richter, an independent producer. He beat the networks, with all their money, at their own game." -New York Times report on DuPont Columbia Award (TV's Pulitzer Prize) The first national PBS telecast created an international sensation. United Nations delegates who saw it demanded an end to the practices documented; this led to an international monitoring system. A rare example of a documentary that truly made a difference. More at

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  • Runtime
    58 min