Occult Angel

Watch Occult Angel

  • 2018
  • 1 hr 6 min
  • 4.2  (151)

Occult Angel is a supernatural drama film that was released in 2018. The movie follows a man named Damon Richter, played by Jack Angel, who is searching for his missing wife, Sharon. He's been told that she's been taken by a cult in the remote mountains of Tibet, and so he travels there to rescue her. Damon arrives in Tibet and begins investigating the cult. He runs into a man named Chang, played by Andy Roberts, who agrees to help him. Along the way, Damon begins to experience several strange and inexplicable events. He meets a woman named Mira, who claims to be a messenger of God, and a mysterious blue light that seems to follow him everywhere he goes.

As he delves deeper into the cult and its beliefs, he discovers that they're led by a woman called Mastermind, who has supernatural powers. Mastermind is seeking to create a portal to another dimension, and she plans to use Sharon as a sacrifice.

The movie takes its time to build up the character of Damon, starting with his life in America, his relationship with Sharon, and his gradual realization that there's something more to the world than meets the eye. The plot is complex and layered, with multiple threads that all come together in a satisfying and surprising conclusion.

The acting in the movie is solid, with Jack Angel giving a convincing performance as Damon. Andy Roberts also shines in his role as Chang, bringing a sense of humor and lightness to the movie. However, the real standout performance comes from the actress playing Mastermind, who manages to be both terrifying and eerily seductive.

One of the strengths of Occult Angel is its use of imagery and symbolism, which is at times beautiful and at other times horrifying. The movie takes its time to build up a sense of otherworldly unease, with stunning shots of the Tibetan landscape and eerie, dreamlike sequences.

However, the movie is not without its flaws. The pacing can be slow at times, and some of the dialogue feels stilted and unnatural. There are also some plot holes and loose threads that the movie doesn't fully address.

Overall, Occult Angel is an engaging and atmospheric supernatural drama that will keep viewers guessing until the end. It's a movie that explores themes of faith, spirituality, and the unknown, and it does so in a way that's both visually stunning and thought-provoking. While not perfect, it's definitely worth a watch for fans of horror and the occult.

Occult Angel
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 6 min
  • IMDB Rating
    4.2  (151)