Someday Isles

Watch Someday Isles

  • NR
  • 2021
  • 1 hr 32 min
  • 4.1  (46)

Someday Isles is a drama-thriller movie that was released in 2021. Directed by Thomas C. Moulton, the film stars Shawn St. Cyr, Danny Kwok-Kwan Chan, and Michelle Ip as lead actors. The movie follows the story of a group of strangers who find themselves stranded on an island in the Pacific Ocean with no food, water, or shelter. The film is set in a dystopian world where survival skills are essential, and resources are scarce. The movie begins with the introduction of each character, who comes from a different background and has a unique set of skills. The characters include a former marine, a banker, a chef, a mechanic, a scientist, and a survivalist. They all board a small plane to attend a conference, but the plane crashes into the ocean, leaving them stranded on an island with no way to call for help.

As they struggle to survive and find a way off the island, they discover that the island is not what it seems. It is inhabited by dangerous creatures, and they soon realize that someone is watching them. The group then realizes that they need to work together to escape, but can they trust one another? The tension between the characters rises as they become more desperate, and secrets from their past come to light.

One of the standout performances in the movie is by Shawn St. Cyr, who plays the role of the former marine, James. James is a natural leader who takes charge of the group and tries to keep them calm in the face of adversity. His military training comes in handy as he teaches the others survival skills, and he becomes the glue that binds them together.

Danny Kwok-Kwan Chan plays the role of a chef, Lee, who initially seems to be only interested in food and alcohol. However, his character develops throughout the movie, and we learn that he has a tragic past. He becomes an essential member of the group, using his skills to prepare meals for everyone and keep their spirits up.

Michelle Ip plays the role of the scientist, Nina, who is intelligent and resourceful. Her knowledge helps the group to understand the strange occurrences on the island and unravel the mystery of their situation. She is also the moral compass of the group, as she struggles with the ethical implications of their actions.

The movie has some stunning visuals, with most of the scenes shot on location in the Pacific Ocean. The beauty of the landscape contrasts with the harsh reality of their situation, as the characters struggle to survive in an unforgiving environment. The film also has a haunting soundtrack that adds to the suspense and tension of the story.

Overall, Someday Isles is a thrilling and suspenseful movie. It explores themes such as survival, trust, and redemption, and showcases the importance of working together in times of crisis. The film keeps you on the edge of your seat, wondering what will happen next, and the twists and turns of the plot keep you guessing until the very end. It is definitely worth a watch for fans of dystopian and survival movies.

In conclusion, Someday Isles is a great addition to the genre of dystopian and survival movies. Even though the movie has its share of flaws, the performances by the lead actors and the stunning visuals make it a compelling watch. It is a movie that will keep you thinking long after the credits have rolled.

Someday Isles is a 2021 music movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 32 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.1.

Someday Isles
Where to Watch Someday Isles
Someday Isles is available to watch free on Plex, The Roku Channel Free and Tubi TV. It's also available to stream, download and buy on demand at Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Amazon and Vudu. Some platforms allow you to rent Someday Isles for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 32 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    4.1  (46)