The House Of Him

Watch The House Of Him

  • 2014
  • 1 hr 25 min
  • 5.3  (227)

The House Of Him is a 2014 British psychological thriller directed by Robert Florence, starring Richard Rankin as the titular Him, a disturbed and unstable young man with a penchant for torture and murder. The supporting cast includes Louise Stewart as his latest victim and Kirsty Strain as a detective investigating the subsequent disappearances.

The movie opens with a series of brutal and disturbing scenes as Him tortures and murders his female victims. The camera doesn't shy away from the gore, and the violence is both visceral and unsettling. As the story unfolds, we learn more about Him's motivations and background through a series of flashbacks that reveal a troubled childhood and a dysfunctional family.

The film is set predominantly in and around Him's house, which he has turned into a chillingly macabre shrine to his victims. The attention to detail in the set design is impressive, with each room filled with gruesome and unsettling props that serve to further establish the tone of the movie.

As the police investigation intensifies, the tension ramps up, and the audience is left on edge wondering what Him's next move will be. The performances are uniformly strong, with Richard Rankin doing an excellent job of portraying the twisted and sadistic Him.

One of the standout elements of The House Of Him is the use of sound design. The movie is filled with unsettling ambient noises and eerie music that only serve to heighten the tension and sense of unease.

Overall, The House Of Him is a gripping and disturbing thriller that delves into the psyche of a killer. It's not for the faint of heart, but fans of the genre will appreciate the attention to detail and the strong performances from the cast. If you're looking for a tense and unsettling psychological horror movie, The House Of Him is definitely worth checking out.

The House Of Him
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 25 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.3  (227)