America Says Season 3 Episode 157
America Says
Season 3

Ep 157. The Starks vs. The Caregivers

  • January 24, 2020

The popular game show America Says is back with another exciting episode, and this time it's the Starks versus the Caregivers battling it out for the grand prize. Both teams are pumped up and ready to test their knowledge and quick wits, as they face off against each other in a battle of answering the most popular survey questions.

The Starks team consists of four family members, all of whom are avid Game of Thrones fans. They are confident in their trivia skills and believe that their love for the show will give them an edge over their opponents. On the other hand, the Caregivers team comprises four friends who are all working in the healthcare industry. They are determined to utilize their experience and knowledge to answer the survey questions as accurately as possible.

The show is hosted by the charismatic John Michael Higgins, who introduces both teams and explains the rules of the game. In each round, teams will be given a category such as "popular tourist attractions" or "ways to stay fit," and they'll have to come up with as many guesses as possible that match the answers given by a hundred people surveyed beforehand. The team that provides the most accurate answers will score points and move onto the next round, while the other team will be eliminated.

Throughout the game, tensions run high as both teams score points and take the lead. There are moments of triumph and disappointment as team members struggle to remember the correct answers at crucial moments in the game. Some rounds leave both teams equally matched, with only a few points separating them from victory or defeat.

As always, America Says season 3 episode 157 is not just about the competition, but it also provides plenty of laughs and entertainment for viewers. John Michael Higgins keeps the mood light with his witty banter and fun commentary, while the contestants’ enthusiasm and energy add to the excitement of the show.

In the end, only one team will emerge as the ultimate winner and take home the grand prize. Will it be the Starks team with their Game of Thrones knowledge, or will the Caregivers' experience and expertise give them the edge they need to win? The answer to this question and many more can be found in this exciting episode of America Says.

Overall, America Says season 3 episode 157 is sure to be a nail-biting and enjoyable experience for fans of the show and new viewers alike. With its easy-to-follow format and fun, fast-paced gameplay, it's the perfect show to sit back, relax, and enjoy with the whole family.

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  • First Aired
    January 24, 2020
  • Language