America Says Season 3 Episode 159
America Says
Season 3

Ep 159. Baseball Moms vs. The Eguns

  • January 27, 2020

Baseball Moms vs. The Eguns is the 159th episode of the third season of the popular game show America Says. In this episode, two teams face off against each other in a fun and exciting battle of wits and quick thinking. The first team, known as the Baseball Moms, consists of a group of passionate and enthusiastic mothers who are all heavily involved in their children's baseball team. The second team, called The Eguns, is made up of a group of friends who share a common interest in the world of guns and shooting.

As the game begins, the two teams are introduced, and host John Michael Higgins explains the rules of the game. In America Says, two teams are presented with a series of survey questions that have been posed to a group of 100 Americans. The teams must then try to guess the most common responses to the questions, earning points for each correct answer. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins a prize of $15,000.

The first round of the game begins, and the Baseball Moms are up first. The survey question is: "Name something people do on a lazy Sunday afternoon." The Baseball Moms quickly get to work, throwing out ideas like "Watch TV," "Sleep," and "Read a book." After some discussion, the team decides to go with "Watch TV" as their final answer. The Eguns are up next, and they are tasked with answering the question: "Name a popular type of firearm." The team members quickly start rattling off brands like Glock, Smith & Wesson, and Colt, before settling on "AR-15" as their final answer.

The rest of the game progresses in a similar fashion, with the two teams facing off against each other in a series of increasingly difficult survey questions. Some of the questions are silly and lighthearted, like "Name something people do when they're bored at work," while others are more serious, like "Name a reason why people might carry a gun."

Throughout the game, the Baseball Moms and The Eguns remain competitive and focused, eager to come out on top. The Baseball Moms prove to be particularly strong in the category of "Things you find in a baseball dugout," guessing answers like "Bats," "Gloves," and "Spikes." The Eguns, meanwhile, excel in the category of "Things people do at a shooting range," guessing answers like "Shoot targets," "Practice," and "Compete."

As the game comes to a close, the tension in the room is palpable. The Baseball Moms and The Eguns are neck and neck, with both teams eager to win the grand prize of $15,000. In the end, it all comes down to the final survey question, which asks the teams to name "Something people might do on vacation." The Baseball Moms are up first, and they guess answers like "Swim," "Relax," and "Sight-see." The Eguns are up next, and they throw out answers like "Hike," "Camp," and "Fish."

In the end, it's the Baseball Moms who come out on top, having guessed the most popular answers to the survey questions. They are thrilled to have won the prize money, and they thank John Michael Higgins and the America Says crew for a fun and exciting game. The Eguns take their loss in stride, congratulating the Baseball Moms and saying they'll be back to try again another day.

Overall, Baseball Moms vs. The Eguns is a fun and entertaining episode of America Says, featuring two teams of passionate and competitive players. The questions are varied and interesting, and the teams' responses are often funny and surprising. As always, John Michael Higgins is on top form as the host, keeping the energy high and the audience engaged throughout the game.

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  • First Aired
    January 27, 2020
  • Language