BoJack Horseman Season 2 Episode 6
BoJack Horseman
Season 2

Ep 6. Higher Love

  • July 17, 2015
  • 7.5  (3,973)

BoJack Horseman season 2 episode 6, titled "Higher Love," is a poignant and introspective exploration of the complexities of love and relationships. The episode starts with BoJack struggling to come to terms with his unresolved feelings for his ex-girlfriend, Charlotte, whom he met while filming his hit '90s sitcom, "Horsin' Around." As he grapples with these feelings, he begins to question whether he truly loves Charlotte or if he's just clinging to the past as a means of avoiding the present.

Meanwhile, Princess Carolyn, BoJack's agent and on-again-off-again partner, is dealing with her own relationship woes. She finds herself caught in a love triangle between her new boyfriend, Vincent Adultman (who is actually three children standing on top of each other in a trenchcoat), and Rutabaga Rabbitowitz, her former boss who she has a complicated history with. As she tries to navigate her feelings for both of them, she realizes that she's been relying on her relationships to define her self-worth and must learn to value herself independently of her partners.

As the episode progresses, we see BoJack and Princess Carolyn both grappling with their own personal struggles, culminating in a touching scene where they share a vulnerable moment together. Ultimately, "Higher Love" serves as a reminder that love is never easy, and that it's often the most challenging relationships that teach us the most about ourselves and what we truly want and need from our lives. Through its nuanced portrayal of these complex emotions and relationships, BoJack Horseman continues to prove itself as one of the most poignant and thought-provoking shows on television.

Watch BoJack Horseman - Higher Love (s2 e6) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
BoJack Horseman, Season 2 Episode 6, is available to watch and stream on Netflix. You can also buy, rent BoJack Horseman on demand at Netflix online.
  • First Aired
    July 17, 2015
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (3,973)