Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz Season 2 Episode 8

Ep 8. Kitten Around

  • April 11, 2017

In Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz season 2 episode 8, titled "Kitten Around," Dorothy and her friends find themselves in a new adventure when they come across a group of lost kittens in the Land of Oz. The kittens, who belong to the Queen of Kittens, have wandered away from their castle and need help finding their way back home.

Dorothy and her friends, including Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, offer to help the kittens and embark on a journey to find the Queen's castle. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles, including a scary forest and a dangerous river, but they remain determined to help the kittens.

As they journey through the Land of Oz, Dorothy and her friends also learn important lessons about kindness and empathy. They discover that even though the kittens may seem different from them, they all share the same desire for love and belonging.

Meanwhile, the Wicked Witch of the West and her minions are up to their usual tricks, but Dorothy and her friends are ready to face any challenges that come their way. With the help of the magical Ruby Slippers, they are able to overcome obstacles and make their way closer to the Queen of Kittens' castle.

When they finally arrive, they are greeted by the grateful Queen and her kittens. Dorothy and her friends are hailed as heroes, and they are celebrated with a grand feast in their honor.

As the episode comes to a close, Dorothy reflects on the importance of helping others and being kind to those who may seem different from us. She realizes that in the world of Oz, and in our own world, everyone deserves love and acceptance.

Overall, "Kitten Around" is a heartwarming episode that teaches valuable lessons about empathy, compassion, and the power of kindness. Dorothy and her friends continue to be lovable and relatable characters, and their adventures in the Land of Oz are sure to delight audiences of all ages.

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  • First Aired
    April 11, 2017
  • Language