Funny Or Die Original Sketches Season 6 Episode 18

Ep 18. Funny Or Die Swimsuit Issue: Climate Change Edition

  • TV-MA
  • February 12, 2016
  • 2 min

In the latest episode of Funny Or Die Original Sketches season 6, episode 18, titled "Funny Or Die Swimsuit Issue: Climate Change Edition," the show takes a satirical look at the urgent issue of climate change.

The episode features a series of sketches that highlight the absurdity of the current situation and the urgent need for action. In one sketch, a group of models are posing for a swimsuit photo shoot on a beach that is rapidly eroding due to rising sea levels. As the models try to pose for the perfect shot, they are forced to constantly move further and further back from the water's edge, while the photographer struggles to get the right angle.

Another sketch sees a group of politicians arguing about how to address climate change, with each offering ridiculous and ineffective solutions. One suggests that everyone simply stop exhaling carbon dioxide, while another proposes that instead of reducing emissions, everyone should focus on planting trees that can absorb the excess carbon in the atmosphere.

In another sketch, a group of extreme weather enthusiasts take a dangerous dive into a hurricane, only to discover that the storm is far more powerful than they anticipated. As they struggle to survive in the violent winds and heavy rain, they realize that climate change is making extreme weather events more frequent and intense, and that their foolish actions are only adding to the problem.

Throughout the episode, the show uses humor to drive home the seriousness of the climate crisis, while also encouraging viewers to take action. By highlighting the absurdity of some of the current proposals for addressing climate change, the show underscores the need for real, effective solutions that can make a difference.

Overall, "Funny Or Die Swimsuit Issue: Climate Change Edition" is a thought-provoking and entertaining episode that uses humor to tackle one of the most pressing issues of our time. Whether you're a climate change skeptic or a dedicated activist, this episode is sure to leave you laughing, thinking, and inspired to take action to address this urgent problem.

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  • First Aired
    February 12, 2016
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    2 min
  • Language