Killer by the Lake Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. Episode 1

  • November 9, 2017

Killer by the Lake is a thrilling French crime drama series set in the picturesque town of Annecy, nestled by the side of a beautiful lake. In Season 1's first episode aptly titled "Episode 1," viewers are introduced to the riveting story that sets the stage for a murder mystery unlike any other.

The episode opens with a tranquil scene that perfectly captures the tranquility of Annecy. However, this idyllic facade is soon shattered when a young woman's lifeless body is discovered floating in the tranquil lake. The victim is identified as Lise Stocker, a local waitress with no known enemies. The discovery of her body sets off a chain of events that will unravel the dark secrets hiding beneath the seemingly peaceful surface of Annecy.

Enter Commander Lise Stocker's life takes a dark turn when she becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation. Alexandre Igier, a seasoned detective from Paris, is called in to lead the investigation. With his expertise and intuitive skills, Igier aims to solve the case and bring justice to the small town. However, as he begins delving into the mystery, he quickly realizes that there is more to this crime than meets the eye.

Episode 1 sees Igier exploring the town and its residents, searching for any clues that may lead him closer to the truth. As he questions various individuals, from Lise's friends and colleagues to the residents of Annecy, he discovers an intricate web of lies, betrayals, and personal secrets that intertwine with the murder. Each revelation brings him one step closer to unraveling the truth of what really happened to Lise Stocker.

Meanwhile, Lise struggles to prove her innocence as she faces harsh judgment and suspicion from those around her. With her life spiraling into chaos, she forms an unlikely alliance with Igier, recognizing that their common goal is to uncover the true killer and vindicate her name.

In addition to the murder investigation, the episode also delves into the personal lives of the characters. We get a glimpse into the strained relationship between Igier and his ex-wife, as well as the internal struggles he faces as he tries to balance his empathy for Lise with his duty as a detective. Lise's troubled past is also slowly revealed, shedding light on her complex personality and potential motives that may have made her a target.

As the episode progresses, the tension builds, and the enormity of the case weighs heavily on Igier's shoulders. With every seemingly insignificant detail, a new twist emerges, leading him to question everything he thought he knew. Secrets, affairs, and hidden agendas begin to surface, making it clear that no one in Annecy can be trusted.

"Episode 1" of Killer by the Lake sets the stage for a captivating murder mystery filled with suspense, unexpected turns, and complex characters. With the stunning backdrop of Annecy's natural beauty contrasting the darkness lurking beneath, viewers are left eager to uncover the truth alongside Igier and Lise. This episode promises the start of a gripping and enthralling journey into the world of crime and deception, where nothing is as it seems.

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  • First Aired
    November 9, 2017
  • Language