Temples, Tombs and Mummies Season 1 Episode 6

Ep 6. Egypt Beyond The Pyramids: Death And The Journey To Immortality

  • October 4, 2001

Egypt is synonymous with the pyramids, but beyond these famous structures lies a world of death and the journey to immortality. In the season 1 episode 6 of Temples, Tombs and Mummies, entitled "Egypt Beyond The Pyramids: Death And The Journey To Immortality," viewers are treated to a glimpse of the fascinating rituals, beliefs and customs of the ancient Egyptians regarding death and the afterlife.

The episode delves into the many rituals surrounding death in ancient Egypt. From the team of priests who prepared the mummies for the afterlife, to the priests who carried out rituals once a person had passed on, we see the many stages of death and the journey to immortality. The team of experts also explore some of the greatest discoveries regarding the journey to the afterlife, including the very first coffin ever created and the famous documents known as the Book of the Dead.

Viewers also learn about the Egyptian belief in the afterlife, which was a significant aspect of the Egyptian religion. The ancient Egyptians believed that the afterlife was not a distant, far-off realm but a continuation of this life, which meant that death was not feared. Instead, the ancient Egyptians spent their lives trying to be prepared for this journey and to ensure they would enjoy everlasting life, with books and religious texts giving detailed instructions on how this could be achieved.

In addition to the death rituals and beliefs, the experts also explore the tomb complex of one of the most remarkable and controversial pharaohs in ancient Egypt's history, Akhenaton. The episode takes the viewer through the various stages of Akhenaton's journey to eternal life, which marked a departure from the afterlife beliefs and customs of his predecessors. We also get to see the stunning gold mask of Tutankhamun, one of the most recognizable and valuable Egyptian artifacts, and hear about the many secrets surrounding this extraordinary piece.

Another highlight of this episode is the exploration of the vast tomb of Pharaoh Seti I at the Valley of the Kings. The tomb, which is one of the largest and most elaborately decorated tombs in the Valley of the Kings, is filled with intricate carvings and artwork that tell the story of the pharaoh's journey to the afterlife. Through these detailed carvings, we get a glimpse into the beliefs and customs surrounding death and the afterlife in ancient Egypt.

The episode also speaks about the British-led excavation of Tutankhamun's tomb, which is regarded as one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time. We see how the tomb was discovered, how the team of scientists went about exploring it, and how the discovery has transformed our understanding of ancient Egyptian culture and beliefs regarding death and the afterlife. The episode also touches briefly on the infamous curse of Tutankhamun, which many believed was responsible for the untimely deaths of some of those involved in the excavation.

Overall, "Egypt Beyond The Pyramids: Death And The Journey To Immortality" is a fascinating look at the rituals, beliefs, and customs of ancient Egypt regarding death and the afterlife. From the elaborate tombs of Pharaohs to the stunning gold mask of Tutankhamun, the episode offers a glimpse into the world of the ancient Egyptians, providing a deeper understanding of their customs and beliefs. With the help of a team of experts and beautiful imagery, the episode takes the viewer on a journey through ancient Egyptian history, uncovering secrets and shedding light on the beliefs of one of the world's oldest civilizations.

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  • First Aired
    October 4, 2001
  • Language