Understanding Modern Electronics Season 1 Episode 14

Ep 14. More Fun with Op-Amps

  • TV-PG
  • June 27, 2014
  • 34 min

Understanding Modern Electronics is a unique show that delves into the complex world of modern electronics and breaks down complicated concepts into easily digestible segments. In season 1 Episode 14, entitled "More Fun with Op-Amps," the hosts take viewers on a deep dive into the fascinating world of operational amplifiers, or op-amps.

The episode begins with an introduction to op-amps, explaining what they are and what they do. Op-amps are electronic components that amplify signals, making them incredibly useful in a wide range of applications, from audio equipment to medical devices. The hosts explain how op-amps work and describe the different types available, including voltage feedback, current feedback, and trans-impedance op-amps.

From there, the hosts dive into some practical applications of op-amps, starting with audio amplifiers. They explain how op-amps can be used to amplify audio signals from a microphone or other input device, and discuss some of the common challenges that engineers face when designing audio amplifiers. They also touch on some of the recent advancements in audio amplifier technology, including Class D amplifiers and switch-mode power supplies.

Next up, the hosts explore some of the more advanced applications of op-amps, including active filters and signal conditioning circuits. They describe how op-amps can be used in these applications to filter out unwanted noise or to condition signals for accurate measurement. They also discuss some of the challenges that engineers face when designing these circuits, including stability issues and noise.

As the episode progresses, the hosts get a bit more technical, delving into some of the math and theory behind op-amps. They discuss topics like open-loop gain, closed-loop gain, and feedback, and explain how these concepts are used when designing op-amp circuits. They also describe some of the common op-amp circuits, including inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, and show how to calculate the gain and other important characteristics of these circuits.

Throughout the episode, the hosts use plenty of visual aids, including diagrams and schematics, to help explain the concepts they're discussing. They also provide examples of real-world op-amp circuits and demonstrate how to analyze and troubleshoot them. This hands-on approach is one of the show's strengths, as it helps to make the concepts more tangible and relatable for viewers.

Overall, "More Fun with Op-Amps" is an engaging and informative episode of Understanding Modern Electronics. It covers a lot of ground, from the basics of op-amp theory to the more advanced applications of these versatile components. Whether you're an electronics enthusiast or a professional engineer, there's something in this episode to pique your interest and deepen your understanding of op-amps and their many uses.

Watch Understanding Modern Electronics - More Fun with Op-Amps (s1 e14) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
Understanding Modern Electronics, Season 1 Episode 14, is available to watch and stream on The Great Courses Signature Collection. You can also buy, rent Understanding Modern Electronics on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Hoopla online.
  • First Aired
    June 27, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    34 min
  • Language