Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture

Watch Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture

  • 2017
  • 1 Season

Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture is an educational show by The Great Courses Signature Collection that takes viewers on a journey through China's vast cultural history. Led by Professor Andrew R. Wilson, an accomplished historian and expert in Chinese culture, the show explores the fascinating dynasties, daily life, and cultural phenomena of imperial China.

The show is organized chronologically, starting with the Shang dynasty, the first dynasty to leave written records, and ending with the Qing dynasty, the last imperial dynasty that ruled China. Each episode covers a specific dynasty or period and delves into the political, social, economic, and cultural aspects of that time to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of China's past.

Throughout the show, Professor Wilson uses a variety of approaches to engage his audience. He breaks down complex concepts and events with clear explanations, amusing anecdotes, and insightful analysis. He also frequently visits historical sites and offers context on the significance of key locations, such as the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Silk Road, and the Grand Canal. This allows viewers to see actual relics and locations in China and better understand how these sites are relevant to China's history.

The show is also visually appealing, filled with beautiful animations and graphics that illustrate key concepts and iconic objects, such as pottery, bronze objects, and calligraphy. These visual aids provide viewers with a deeper understanding of China's culture and its grand achievements in various fields.

One of the unique features of Understanding Imperial China is the integration of primary source materials. Professor Wilson uses primary sources, such as poetry, letters, and historical records, to bring the show to life. This approach allows viewers to hear the voices of the people who lived during these times and get a glimpse into their lives, thoughts, and emotions.

Another aspect that sets this show apart is its coverage of less well-known periods of Chinese history. For example, in episode 8, Professor Wilson discusses the Song dynasty, a time of innovation and cultural achievement, but one that is often overlooked in conventional histories of China. The show also covers the Mongol Yuan dynasty, the only non-Han Chinese dynasty, and the Ming dynasty, a time of cultural and artistic flourishing.

The show also touches on aspects of everyday life in imperial China, such as the role of family, the importance of education, and the significance of rituals and festivals. Professor Wilson explains how these customs and traditions shaped Chinese society and influenced its development over time.

Overall, Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture is a fascinating and informative show that provides viewers with an in-depth understanding of China's history, culture, and achievements. With expert guidance from Professor Wilson and stunning visuals and animations, viewers will gain a new appreciation for this rich and complex civilization.

Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (24 episodes). The series first aired on September 22, 2017.

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China's Last Dynasty: Fall of the Manchus
24. China's Last Dynasty: Fall of the Manchus
September 22, 2017
Finally, examine the factors that led to the dissolution of China's empire. Contrast the powerful military machine of the early Manchu dynasty with its degradation by the 19th century. Grasp how the three pillars of Manchu power - its military, its cultural/economic influence, and its subjects' loyalty - were systematically undermined, culminating in the abdication of the last emperor in 1912.
Experiencing China's Civil Service Exams
23. Experiencing China's Civil Service Exams
September 22, 2017
For centuries, the imperial civil service exams selected candidates for important government positions. Trace the dramatic history of the examinations, which involved years of intensive study, a grueling testing ordeal, and life-changing benefits for the successful. Take account of the profound social and cultural significance of the exams and their role in the administration of the empire.
China's Treaty Ports
22. China's Treaty Ports
September 22, 2017
Following the Opium War of 1842, a range of Chinese seaports were opened to foreign trade and foreign residence. Learn about the colorful history of these ports, how they became enmeshed in a global labor trade, and how they functioned as Euro-Asian hybrid cities. Grasp how the treaty ports were emblematic of a period of economic and political domination by foreigners.
The Taiping Rebellion and Its Cult Leader
21. The Taiping Rebellion and Its Cult Leader
September 22, 2017
The mid 19th century saw both foreign invasion and a revolt that sought to remake Chinese society. Follow the underlying social unrest in South China, and the rise of the charismatic leader Hong Xiuquan, who fomented a rebellion based in religious fanaticism. Observe the military prowess of the rebels, the massive size of the conflict, and how it unfolded as the bloodiest civil war in history.
Emperor Qianlong Hosts a British Ambassador
20. Emperor Qianlong Hosts a British Ambassador
September 22, 2017
At the emperor's palatial summer residence in 1793, visit the imperial kitchens, as chefs and culinary workers from around the empire prepare a banquet of epic proportions. Learn about the staggering scale of the operation of the Imperial Buttery, which fed the emperor's household, and how a dazzling imperial feast served as the backdrop for a key diplomatic engagement.
Qing Dynasty: Soul Stealers and Sedition
19. Qing Dynasty: Soul Stealers and Sedition
September 22, 2017
Witness the national hysteria that ensued from accusations that masons and other undesirables were stealing human souls. Investigate the public fear of sorcery, and the emperor's fear of sedition, which fueled the turmoil. Follow Emperor Qianlong's handling of the crisis, as it reveals the workings of the Qing justice system and the emperor's deep engagement with the empire's moral well-being.
The Great Wall and Military Life in China
18. The Great Wall and Military Life in China
September 22, 2017
Delve into the lives of soldiers under the Ming, often incorrectly viewed as an un-martial dynasty. Learn about military culture, weaponry, and lifestyle under 14th century warlord Zhu Yuanzhang, founder of the Ming Dynasty. Contrast this military era with that of the 16th century, when commercialization and technology gave rise to both the Great Wall and to remarkably modern Ming armies.
Ming Dynasty Trade and Spanish Silver
17. Ming Dynasty Trade and Spanish Silver
September 22, 2017
Visit the teeming port of Manila, where the 16th century influx of Spanish silver made the city a vibrant hub of East-West exchange. Observe how the import of New World silver and crops to China sparked a remarkable period of prosperous living. Note the proliferation of restaurants, travel guides, fashion, leisure activities, commercial sex, and popular religion that characterized the era.
China's Bound Feet, Brides, and Widows
16. China's Bound Feet, Brides, and Widows
September 22, 2017
In exploring the experience of women in imperial China, learn about the customs surrounding traditional married life, such as the painful practice of foot binding, the process of betrothal and marriage arrangements, the wedding festivities, and the duties and lifestyle of a wife. Also investigate the social ideal of the chaste widow and its shadow, the luxurious world of courtesans.
Admiral Zheng He's Treasure Fleet
15. Admiral Zheng He's Treasure Fleet
September 22, 2017
Take to the seas with Ming-era Admiral Zheng He, whose travels on behalf of the emperor Yongle were the stuff of legend. Witness life aboard Zheng's huge treasure ships, nine-masted behemoths laden with luxury goods. Follow the commander's seven voyages, as he ventured to points beyond to proclaim the glories of the Ming court and to enlarge its cultural and economic power.
The Mongols and Marco Polo in Xanadu
14. The Mongols and Marco Polo in Xanadu
September 22, 2017
The century-long era known as the Pax Mongolica was a time of extraordinary East-West trade and cross-cultural communication. Learn about this epoch through the remarkable journeys of Marco Polo and his family, the missionary Giovanni de Montecorvino, the Nestorian priest and diplomat Rabban Bar Sauma, and others, as they reveal the astonishing multiculturalism of the Mongol world.
Genghis Khan and the Rise of the Mongols
13. Genghis Khan and the Rise of the Mongols
September 22, 2017
Look deeply into the life of Temujin, who became the fearsome Genghis Khan. Investigate the steppe culture of the Northern tribal warriors who would conquer China and their nomadic lifestyle of herding and raiding. Trace Temujin's phenomenal rise to power as he gathered massive legions of tribal followers, founding the Mongol Empire. Explore social and political life among the Mongols.
Rice, Silk, and Tea: South China's Peasants
12. Rice, Silk, and Tea: South China's Peasants
September 22, 2017
Learn about the process of wet-rice cultivation, as it shaped the daily lives of Southern peasants, from paddy preparation and irrigation to planting, weeding, and final harvesting. Then investigate tea growing and how peasants processed the leaves into different tea varieties. Finally, study Chinese silk production, taking note of the role of women in both the silk and tea industries.
Peasant Life on the Yellow River
11. Peasant Life on the Yellow River
September 22, 2017
Discover the vital farming communities of the Yellow River watershed. Study the culture of farming and rural society, and delve into how peasants lived - their dwellings, clothing, diet, work and gender roles, and family structures. Take account of the hardships faced by peasants through taxation and corrupt local officialdom and of the natural and manmade disasters that plagued rural populations.
A Day's Journey along the Qingming Scroll
10. A Day's Journey along the Qingming Scroll
September 22, 2017
This lecture reveals life in the Song Dynasty by means of the Qingming Shanghetu, a renowned painted scroll of the early 12th century. Reading the 17-foot scroll sequentially, travel through its vivid imagery of people, animals, buildings, vehicles, and landscapes, as it depicts scenes of daily life and conveys the remarkable technological, cultural, and economic sophistication of the Song.
Life and Times of Song Dynasty Literati
9. Life and Times of Song Dynasty Literati
September 22, 2017
In the Song Dynasty, classical literacy and the civil service examinations were the path to official position. Here, trace the lives of two celebrated literati who emerged from this system. First meet Su Shi, passionate public servant, fun-loving style setter, and man of letters. Contrast Su's life with that of Zhu Xi, probing moral philosopher and architect of Neo-Confucianism.
Triumph and Tragedy in Tang Poetry
8. Triumph and Tragedy in Tang Poetry
September 22, 2017
Delve into the aristocratic society of the Tang Dynasty and the particular social and political meaning given to poetry within this world. See how poetry of various genres was used within specific social contexts, in the example of court poet Wang Wei. Follow the fortunes of beloved Tang poets Li Bai and Du Fu, as they embodied the vogue and singular significance of poetry in Chinese culture.
China's Grand Canal: Lifeline of an Empire
7. China's Grand Canal: Lifeline of an Empire
September 22, 2017
Track the historical significance and changing fortunes of the Grand Canal. Beginning in the Sui Dynasty, explore the evolution and engineering of the canal system and its vital role in imperial economics, politics, and culture. Learn about its maintenance and management, its varied personnel, and how the health of the canal directly mirrored the political health of the empire.
Cosmopolitan Chang'an: Tang Dynasty Capital
6. Cosmopolitan Chang'an: Tang Dynasty Capital
September 22, 2017
Travel to the golden age of Chang'an, the medieval world's most resplendent city. Uncover its structure, its grand boulevards, and its stunning palatial, official, and religious architecture. Investigate the city's diverse population and its districts, parks, and pleasure quarters. Visit Chang'an's iconic Eastern and Western markets, and take account of the factors in the city's ultimate undoing.
China's Buddhist Monks and Daoist Recluses
5. China's Buddhist Monks and Daoist Recluses
September 22, 2017
Buddhism and Daoism played integral roles in the culture of imperial China. Learn about the origins of Chinese Buddhism, the monastic life in China, and the historic travels of the Buddhist monk Faxian. Then study the emergence of Daoism and its traditions of metaphysical exploration and the rustic, natural life, as seen in the works of Tao Yuanming, imperial China's first great poet.
Amazing Ban Clan: Historian, Soldier, Woman
4. Amazing Ban Clan: Historian, Soldier, Woman
September 22, 2017
Three extraordinary siblings stand out in China's imperial history. Follow the lives of Han-era twin brothers Ban Gu and Ban Chao, and their remarkable sister Ban Zhao. Investigate Ban Gu's life of learning and his important writing on history and governmental policy. Note Ban Chao's illustrious military career and achievements, and Ban Zhao's significant impact as a scholar, teacher, and poet.
China's Early Golden Age: The Han Dynasty
3. China's Early Golden Age: The Han Dynasty
September 22, 2017
Enter the lives of the Han nobility - China's second imperial dynasty - through their tombs, whose fabulous artifacts bear witness to their lavish lifestyle, diet, and concern for learning. Take account of the Han golden age, during which essential imperial institutions were established and Han territories were expanded. Also take note of the rise of a new and powerful scholarly elite.
The First Emperor's Terra-Cotta Warriors
2. The First Emperor's Terra-Cotta Warriors
September 22, 2017
Uncover the story behind the famous terra-cotta warriors, one of China's most celebrated archaeological treasures. Travel into daily life in the Qin Dynasty, China's first empire; encounter the emperor Qinshi Huangdi, builder of the warriors, and observe his highly bureaucratic and technocratic regime. Explore the site of the terra-cotta army, and how the extraordinary clay figures were made.
Opium, Trade, and War in Imperial China
1. Opium, Trade, and War in Imperial China
September 22, 2017
Begin by examining a pervasive symbol of late imperial China: opium. Learn about the history of opium use, the ritual of opium smoking, and the luxurious opium culture of the Chinese elite. Note how opium became inextricably linked with imperial culture, society, and economics. Chart the role of the British opium trade, the Opium Wars, and Chinese measures to eradicate the drug. #History
Where to Watch Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture
Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture is available for streaming on the The Great Courses Signature Collection website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon and Hoopla.
  • Premiere Date
    September 22, 2017