Wild Times Season 1 Episode 8
Wild Times
Season 1

Ep 8. Our Old Friend the Crocodile

  • March 15, 2021
  • 5 min

In season 1 episode 8 of Wild Times titled "Our Old Friend the Crocodile," viewers are in for an exciting journey into the fascinating world of one of nature's most ancient and fearsome creatures: the crocodile. This episode delves deep into the lives of these magnificent reptiles, offering a rare and up-close look at their behavior, habitats, and the challenges they face for survival.

The episode begins in the heart of the African continent, where the majority of crocodile species are found. Accompanied by an experienced team of wildlife experts and armed with cutting-edge camera equipment, the crew has embarked on a mission to uncover the secrets of these prehistoric predators.

The episode unfolds with breathtaking footage capturing the monumental size and power of the crocodiles as they sunbathe lazily on riverbanks or prowl through murky waters in search of their next meal. The camera zooms in to showcase the astonishing detail of their rough, scaly skin and piercing eyes, enhancing our understanding of these incredible creatures.

As the story progresses, the audience is introduced to various species of crocodiles, including the legendary Nile crocodile, feared for its size and notorious aggression. Through interviews with leading crocodile experts, viewers gain valuable insights into the behavioral patterns of these ancient reptiles. From their incredible ability to hold their breath for long periods of time to their tactics for ambushing unsuspecting prey, the episode reveals the astonishing adaptability and strategic intelligence possessed by crocodiles.

The crew also sheds light on the pivotal role crocodiles play in their ecosystems. More than mere predators, crocodiles are ecosystem engineers, influencing the balance of their habitats in significant ways. Their presence helps maintain healthy fish populations and regulates the population of other creatures along the rivers and wetlands they call home. By showcasing the interconnectedness of these unique ecosystems, the show underscores the importance of preserving the delicate balance between humans and wildlife.

Moreover, "Our Old Friend the Crocodile" unearths the incredible journey of crocodiles from hatchlings to adults. Viewers witness the tender maternal care exhibited by mother crocodiles as they protect their nests and ensure the safe hatching of their babies. The audience is privy to intimate scenes of emerging hatchlings, struggling to make their way to the water while facing numerous dangers, including predators and treacherous journeys.

Throughout the episode, the crew explores the complex relationship between humans and crocodiles. They delve into the historical significance of crocodiles across different cultures, highlighting various myths, legends, and rituals associated with these majestic creatures. The show addresses the modern-day conservation efforts aimed at ensuring the survival of crocodile populations worldwide. By shedding light on the delicate balance between human activities and the conservation of crocodile habitats, the episode urges viewers to take an active role in protecting these extraordinary species.

"Our Old Friend the Crocodile" is a captivating episode that immerses viewers in the awe-inspiring world of crocodiles. Through stunning visuals, expert analysis, and compelling narratives, the show allows us to appreciate the beauty and significance of these enigmatic creatures. Whether you are a wildlife enthusiast or simply curious about the wonders of the natural world, this episode is sure to leave you with a newfound appreciation for the incredible vitality and resilience of one of nature's most ancient predators.

Watch Wild Times - Our Old Friend the Crocodile (s1 e8) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Wild Times, Season 1 Episode 8, is available to watch free on Animal Planet and stream on discovery+. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Wild Times on demand at Discovery+, Amazon Prime online.
  • First Aired
    March 15, 2021
  • Runtime
    5 min
  • Language