
Watch 9/Tenths

  • 2006
  • 1 hr 44 min
  • 5.1  (656)

9/Tenths is a psychological thriller movie from 2006 that delves deep into the complexities of human relationships and the consequences that one's actions can have on others. The movie revolves around the lives of two couples, Laura and Martin Wells (Gabrielle Anwar and Henry Ian Cusick) and Maria and Jack (Gretchen Egolf and Dave Baez), who are all successful professionals living in New York City. The couples are inextricably linked by a tragedy that unfolds in a single day, unraveling their lives and putting their relationships to the test.

At the center of the movie is Martin, a successful architect who is struggling to come to terms with the fact that his wife, Laura, is terminally ill. Martin is a man haunted by his past and consumed with guilt - he is driven to save his wife at any cost, even if it means sacrificing the one thing he holds most dear - his conscience.

When Martin becomes involved in a hit and run accident, everything changes. Suddenly, the lives of the two couples are thrown into disarray, with each person grappling in their own way with the emotional fallout of the tragedy. As the day progresses, secrets are revealed, relationships are tested, and the four protagonists are forced to confront their deepest fears and desires.

The director, Bob Degus, creates a suspenseful atmosphere throughout the movie, using camera angles, lighting, and sound effects to heighten the tension and draw the audience into the story. The pacing of the movie is masterful - it starts off slow, building up the tension gradually, and then picks up pace as the day progresses, culminating in a thrilling finale that leaves the audience on the edge of their seats.

The performances in the movie are top-notch, with each actor delivering a nuanced and compelling portrayal of their character. Gabrielle Anwar is particularly impressive as Laura, delivering a moving performance as a woman coming to terms with her own mortality. Henry Ian Cusick is equally impressive as Martin, bringing a sense of vulnerability and complexity to a character who is increasingly morally compromised.

Overall, 9/Tenths is a gripping and thought-provoking movie that explores the gray areas of morality and human relationships. It is a movie that will stay with you long after the credits roll, leaving you to ponder the choices that we make in life and the ripple effects that our actions can have on those around us.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 44 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.1  (656)