Migas de Pan

Watch Migas de Pan

  • 2016
  • 1 hr 49 min
  • 6.9  (95)

Migas de Pan is an emotional drama movie that was released in 2016. The film is directed by Manane Rodríguez and features a cast of incredibly talented performers including Helen Bertels, Patxi Bisquert, and Justina Bustos. Set in the 1930s, the movie follows the story of Andrea (Helen Bertels), an elderly woman living in a small village in Galicia, Spain. Andrea is a survivor of the Spanish Civil War, but her traumatic experiences still haunt her. A local journalist, Berta (Justina Bustos), is researching stories of women who suffered during the war, and she soon discovers Andrea's tragic past.

The story is told through flashbacks as Andrea recounts the events that led to her becoming a victim of the war. We see how she was a young girl during the war, forced to witness the cruel and brutal acts committed against innocent people. We also learn about how Andrea was eventually imprisoned and tortured by the Francoist regime.

Despite the hardships she has faced, Andrea is determined to keep her memories alive and tell her story to the world. It soon becomes apparent that her traumatic experiences have left her scarred, and she struggles to make sense of the world around her. However, through her interactions with Berta and other people from the village, she begins to find a sense of purpose.

Migas de Pan is a powerful movie that explores the themes of survival, trauma, and social justice. It is a gripping story that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering what will happen next. The movie is beautifully shot, and the performances from the cast are outstanding.

The character of Andrea is particularly memorable; Helen Bertels delivers a haunting performance that perfectly captures the anguish and fear that Andrea feels. Justina Bustos is also brilliant as Berta, the young journalist who is determined to bring Andrea's story to light.

One of the standout aspects of Migas de Pan is how it tells the story of the Spanish Civil War from the perspective of women. The film sheds light on the experiences of women who were often overlooked in historical accounts. Through the character of Andrea, the movie shows the strength and resilience of women, even in the face of unimaginable adversity.

Overall, Migas de Pan is a must-watch movie, especially for those interested in historical drama or social justice themes. It is a sobering reminder of the horrors of war and the human capacity for survival. Despite the heavy subject matter, the film is ultimately a story of hope, resilience, and human connection.

Migas de Pan
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 49 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.9  (95)