
Watch Nora

  • 2018
  • 14 min

Nora is a 2018 independent drama film directed by Alvaro Cea Alvarez and starring Nicci Brighten as the title character. The film explores themes of grief, loss, and moving forward after tragedy. Nora Harrison is a young woman living in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. She works as a waitress in a local diner, keeps to herself, and still grieves the sudden death of her boyfriend Liam two years prior. Nora has not been able to move on from Liam's passing and feels stuck, spending most of her time alone in the small apartment they once shared.

On the anniversary of Liam's death, Nora's best friend Leah convinces her to get out of the house and go on a weekend camping trip with Leah and her new boyfriend Rob. Reluctantly, Nora agrees in hopes that the change of scenery and company will lift her spirits. During the drive to the campground, Nora remains quiet and withdrawn, worrying Leah.

At the campsite, Nora tries to participate but continues to feel like a third wheel with Leah and Rob. One night at the campfire, Rob's friend Chris arrives unexpectedly to join them. Chris is outgoing and talkative, immediately taking an interest in the reserved Nora. The two end up staying up late chatting, with Nora slowly opening up about her grief over losing Liam.

Over the course of the weekend, Nora and Chris develop a surprising connection. Chris is able to get Nora to laugh and have fun in a way she hasn't since Liam's passing. Leah watches, happy to see Nora coming out of her shell again. However, Nora feels guilty moving on and wonders if she's betraying Liam's memory.

When the camping trip ends, Chris asks Nora on a date. She declines, explaining she needs more time. But after Chris leaves, Nora reflects on the weekend and how she was able to feel joy again. She begins to understand that she can still keep Liam's memory while also living her life. Nora calls Chris and accepts the date.

Nora and Chris continue dating over the next few months. Nora lets Chris into her world, showing him the apartment she once shared with Liam and opening up about their relationship. Eventually, Nora is able to pack up Liam's belongings and move them into storage, ready to fully move on.

On the anniversary of Liam's death, Nora visits his grave, tearfully thanking him for their time together. She leaves knowing she will always have the memories, but can now look ahead to the future. The film ends with a reflective Nora ready to embrace life again.

Alvarez employs a naturalistic directing approach, evoking the Pacific Northwest setting beautifully. Meanwhile, Brighten gives an emotional, nuanced lead performance as Nora. The film garnered praise on the independent film festival circuit for its sensitive and honest exploration of grief and personal growth. With its core message of hope, Nora continues to resonate with audiences.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    14 min