Odds, The

Watch Odds, The

"What are you willing to lose for $1,000,000?"
  • NR
  • 2019
  • 1 hr 47 min
  • 4.9  (1,955)

The movie Odds, The is a thriller that premiered in 2018, directed by Bob Giordano. It is centered around four high school students who decide to play a game of Russian Roulette in a deserted house. It starts out innocently enough as a way for them to have some fun, but quickly turns deadly. The main characters in the movie are three teenagers: Vanessa (played by Abbi Butler), Ben (James J. Fuertes), and Katy (Katie Gunn). They're close friends in high school and are looking for a way to pass the time over the weekend. When they stumble upon an abandoned house, they think it would be fun to play a game of Russian Roulette with a gun they find there. But things soon spiral out of control.

The movie then takes on an intense and suspenseful tone as the friends try to survive the potentially deadly game that they are playing. They soon begin to realize the serious mistake they have made as they find themselves trapped in the house, trying to fight their way out of the game they have started. With each turn, the game takes a new and unexpected twist, making it nearly impossible for the friends to win.

At the same time, the tension between the friends becomes more palpable as their relationships begin to fray under the pressure of the game. They realize how little they really know each other, and the game they started puts them all on the edge, leading to unexpected twists in their relationships.

As the stakes get higher, the characters are put to the test, both mentally and physically. They're forced to take on decisions they never thought they would, and confront some tough moral questions along the way. The intensity only increases as the game becomes more deadly with each turn, leading to a finale that leaves the audience sitting on the edge of their seats.

Overall, Odds, The is an intense and suspenseful thriller that is bound to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With its clever use of characters, plot, and setting, the movie puts the characters in a high-stakes game and keeps viewers guessing until the very end about how it will all play out.

Odds, The
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 47 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    4.9  (1,955)