Only You

Watch Only You

  • 2021
  • 1 hr 49 min
  • 5.9  (128)

Only You is a romantic film that revolves around the intertwined lives of two individuals who had a chance encounter several years ago in Italy. Directed by Sigrid Andrea Bernardo, this Filipino movie starring Janine Gutierrez and Pepe Herrera is a tale of love, destiny, and second chances. Gutierrez plays the role of a young woman named Faith who is about to get married to her long-term boyfriend. However, she is struck by a sense of emptiness as she starts to question whether she is really in love or not. Her doubts are compounded by the fact that she has been haunted by a dream in which she meets her soulmate in Italy, a place she has never visited before.

Hoping to gain some clarity, Faith sets out on a solo journey to Italy, where she meets the charming and affable Gio (Pepe Herrera). Despite a rocky start, the two hit it off and spend a magical night in Rome. However, Faith is forced to leave abruptly the next day, leaving Gio with nothing but a phone number scribbled on a napkin.

Several years pass, and Faith and Gio lead different lives on opposite sides of the world. Faith has settled into married life, while Gio has become a successful chef in Manila. However, fate brings them together once again when Faith decides to attend a wedding in the Philippines, where Gio is the caterer.

As they reconnect and reminisce about their past, the sparks between them reignite, and they find themselves questioning their choices in life. Despite the fact that Faith is married, she can't help but feel drawn to Gio, and he to her.

Adding a layer of complexity to the story is Pilita Corrales, who plays the role of Faith's mother. She is overprotective of her daughter and isn't too happy about her traveling alone to Italy. She also disapproves of Gio, seeing him as a mere distraction to Faith's stable life.

Only You is a beautiful film that explores the concept of destiny and the idea that some things in life are simply meant to be. It also touches upon the complexity of the human heart and the fact that love isn't always straightforward.

One of the most notable aspects of the film is its breathtaking cinematography, which highlights the beauty of both Italy and the Philippines. The stunning landscapes and vibrant cityscapes serve as a backdrop for Faith and Gio's encounters, adding to the film's romantic undertones.

Another noteworthy element of Only You is its excellent soundtrack, which features a mix of classic love songs and contemporary hits. The music adds to the film's emotional appeal and provides a fitting accompaniment to the characters' emotional journeys.

Overall, Only You is a heartwarming and poignant film that will captivate audiences with its beautiful visuals, excellent acting, and touching storyline. It showcases some of the most stunning locations in the world while telling a relatable and heartfelt story of love, fate, and second chances.

Only You is a 2021 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 49 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.9.

Only You
Where to Watch Only You
Only You is available to watch, stream, download and on demand at Netflix. Some platforms allow you to rent Only You for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 49 min
  • IMDB Rating
    5.9  (128)