Shattered Hearts: A Moment of Truth

Watch Shattered Hearts: A Moment of Truth

  • 1998
  • 1 hr 25 min

Shattered Hearts: A Moment of Truth is a thought-provoking drama that explores mental health issues and the effects of trauma on individuals and their loved ones. The 1998 made-for-television movie features a strong cast, including Beth Broderick (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) as the mother of a troubled teenager, Scott Vickaryous (Breaker High) as her son, and Katie Gratson (The X-Files) as her daughter.

The film opens with a seemingly happy family: mother Laura, father Tom, and their two teenage children, Kevin and Jamie. However, it soon becomes clear that there are deep-seated issues within the family. Kevin is a highly intelligent and talented student, but he is also troubled and distant. Jamie, meanwhile, is struggling to assert herself and find her own path in life. Tom, a successful businessman, is often absent from the family home, leaving Laura to deal with their children's problems alone.

The family's fragile balance is shattered when Kevin is diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Laura is shocked and overwhelmed but tries to be supportive of her son. She takes him to appointments with various doctors, hoping to find a cure for his illness. However, each medication that he tries seems to have a different negative effect on his mental state, causing him to become more isolated and angry.

As Kevin's condition deteriorates, Jamie becomes more and more resentful of the attention that he is getting from their parents. She feels like her own problems are being ignored, and her frustration leads her to act out and make some questionable decisions.

Throughout the film, the family's struggles are portrayed with sensitivity and realism. Beth Broderick delivers a powerful performance as a mother who is torn between her love for her son and her fear for his safety. Scott Vickaryous is equally impressive as Kevin, convincingly portraying the torment and confusion that come with mental illness.

The film's message is a poignant one, highlighting the importance of seeking help and support for those struggling with mental health issues. It also explores the impact that a single traumatic event can have on a family and how the resulting emotional wounds can linger for years. Shattered Hearts: A Moment of Truth is a powerful and thought-provoking film that will leave viewers with a greater understanding of the struggles faced by those affected by mental illness.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 25 min
  • Language