The Privilege

Watch The Privilege

  • R
  • 2022
  • 1 hr 47 min
  • 4.7  (5,841)

The Privilege is a German supernatural thriller film released in 2022, directed by Felix Fuchssteiner and Katharina Schöde, with a story that intertwines elements of horror and mystery. Starring Max Schimmelpfennig, Lea van Acken, and Tijan Marei, the movie taps into societal issues and unsettling supernatural elements, offering a contemporary spin on the usual teen-centric genre fare.

The movie opens by introducing us to Finn (played by Max Schimmelpfennig), a privileged teenager from a wealthy family, who’s navigating the complexities of adolescence. Finn, along with his sister and their circle of friends, which include Lea van Acken and Tijan Marei's characters, lead a life that on the surface seems to be filled with typical teenage experiences – school, parties, and family dynamics. Their lives, however, are overshadowed by a sense of eeriness and the grim aftermath of a family tragedy that seems to haunt them, particularly Finn.

The narrative delves deeper into the psychological and emotional states of these characters, hinting at the presence of forces beyond their comprehension. Finn begins to experience disconcerting hallucinations and chilling incidents that seem to bridge the gap between reality and the supernatural. Instead of dismissing these occurrences as mere manifestations of trauma or stress, Finn becomes suspicious that there is something genuinely insidious and unnatural at play.

As the story progresses, coincidences stack up, and inexplicable events happen within Finn’s social and family circle, pushing him to question the seemingly idyllic life he's been living. Secrets from the past and present start to unravel, suggesting that there might be more sinister undertones to the privileges enjoyed by Finn and his family.

One of Finn's friends is Lea van Acken's character, a young woman who is smart, inquisitive, and intuitive. She plays a crucial role in the plot, as her perspective often provides a clearer lens through which the audience can understand the strange happenings around them. Tijan Marei’s character, another pivotal member of Finn’s close-knit group, brings her unique viewpoint to the mysterious events, adding another layer of depth to their shared experiences and the decisions they are compelled to make.

Throughout the film, troubling revelations about Finn’s family's past are artfully interspersed, including potential connections to dark ancestral secrets and a menacing pharmaceutical company. This narrative thread raises questions about the nature of the family’s wealth and the origins of their societal standing. Are they merely innocent beneficiaries of serendipity and hard work, or is there something more troubling facilitating their lifestyle?

At its core, The Privilege is a film that grapples with themes of power, family legacy, and the notion of what it means to be cursed or blessed by one's heritage. The thematic undercurrents evoke thoughts about class disparity, the moral consequences of ambition, and the lengths individuals might go to protect or enhance their privilege.

The movie’s chilling atmosphere is amplified by its effective use of suspense and horror elements. The director manages to pace the film in a way that keeps the audience on edge, using tension-building techniques such as unsettling music scores, nuanced performances, and a cinematographic style that accentuates the ominous and nefarious undertones of the plot.

As Finn and his friends peel back the layers of mystery, the film questions the nature of belief and skepticism regarding the supernatural. It challenges the protagonists and viewers alike to contemplate the existence of ancient evils and how they might infiltrate and influence the modern world. This aspect of the movie is particularly provoking, blurring the lines between psychological thriller and the supernatural horror genre.

The Privilege also touches on the idea of generational trauma and the ways in which the sins of the past can manifest and ripple through contemporary life. This aspect is woven through the movie's central mystery, binding the characters to a journey that forces them to face uncomfortable truths and make tough decisions, addressing anxieties relevant to today's youth and thereby serving as an eerie reflection of real societal dynamics.

For viewers looking for a film that marries the thrill of a horror movie with the depth of a socially conscious narrative, The Privilege offers a blend of these elements, packaged in a coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of modern-day Germany. It is a movie that leaves the audience pondering about the cost of the comforts some take for granted and the darkness that might lurk behind the façade of the seemingly perfect life.

The Privilege is a 2022 horror movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 47 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.7.

The Privilege
Where to Watch The Privilege
The Privilege is available to watch, stream, download and on demand at Netflix. Some platforms allow you to rent The Privilege for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 47 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    4.7  (5,841)