The Skyline

Watch The Skyline

  • 2018
  • 23 min

The Skyline is a 2006 drama film that takes place in New York City. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Norman Swain, the movie stars Nathan Cohen Jr., Kate Lawson, and Erel Pilo. The story follows a group of strangers living in New York City who all witness a strange and unexplainable phenomenon. One day, they wake up to find that the skyline of the city has been inexplicably altered, with a massive monolith-like structure towering high above the city. While some residents are captivated by the structure, others are disturbed by it – and as time goes on, they begin to uncover the mysterious secrets that lie behind this seemingly impossible construction.

Nathan Cohen Jr. plays John, a down-on-his-luck dockworker who becomes fascinated with the structure after seeing it from his job site. Kate Lawson plays Emily, a struggling artist who draws inspiration from the tower in her work. And Erel Pilo plays Avi, an Israeli immigrant who works various odd jobs around the city and becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth about the structure.

As the three main characters begin to interact with each other, they discover that they are not alone in their fascination with the mysterious monolith. Other residents of the city – including a skeptical reporter, a wealthy businessman, and a group of conspiracy theorists – all have their own theories about the structure and its purpose.

As the movie progresses, the characters begin to realize that the implications of the skyline shift are far more profound than they initially thought. What starts as a curious oddity quickly turns into a tale of intrigue, deception, and global consequences.

The cinematography in this movie is breathtaking, with sweeping shots of the city and impressive visual effects used to showcase the tower. The soundtrack is also a standout feature of the movie, with a haunting and atmospheric score that perfectly matches the tone of the film.

Overall, The Skyline is a thought-provoking and engrossing drama that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It explores themes of individuality, community, and humanity's place in the universe, while also delivering a thrilling and unpredictable plot that will leave audiences guessing until the very end.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    23 min