America ReFramed Season 5 Episode 2
America ReFramed
Season 5

Ep 2. 70 Acres in Chicago: Cabrini Green

  • February 21, 2017

In season 5 episode 2 of the acclaimed documentary series America ReFramed, titled "70 Acres in Chicago: Cabrini Green," viewers are taken on a journey through one of the most notorious public housing projects in the United States. Cabrini Green was a large-scale housing development located on the north side of Chicago that was built in the 1940s to replace what was then known as the "Little Hell" slum. Over time, though, Cabrini Green became known for its poverty, crime, and gang violence, and became emblematic of the failure of public housing policies in America.

This episode of America ReFramed focuses on the final days of Cabrini Green, when the last of its residents were being relocated to other parts of the city. Through interviews with former residents, community leaders, and policymakers, viewers gain insight into the complex web of factors that led to the decline of Cabrini Green. Stories of police brutality, drug addiction, and child neglect are interwoven with tales of resilience, determination, and hope.

At the heart of "70 Acres in Chicago: Cabrini Green" is the story of the CHA's "Plan for Transformation," a controversial initiative that sought to replace the old public housing projects with new, mixed-income developments. The plan was met with fierce resistance by many of the residents of Cabrini Green, who felt that they were being pushed out of their homes and communities without adequate compensation or support. However, the film also shows how some Cabrini Green residents were able to take advantage of the new opportunities presented by the Plan for Transformation, and were able to improve their own lives and those of their families.

Overall, "70 Acres in Chicago: Cabrini Green" is a powerful and deeply illuminating look at one of America's most troubled public housing projects. Through its honest and moving portrayal of the lives of its residents, the film offers a unique perspective on the complex issues of poverty, race, and urban development that continue to shape our cities today.

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  • First Aired
    February 21, 2017
  • Language