Earth at Night in Color Season 2 Episode 2

Ep 2. Puma Mountain

  • April 16, 2021
  •   (78)

Earth at Night in Color season 2 episode 2 takes the audience on a breathtaking journey to Puma Mountain, located in the Chilean Andes. This episode presents the nocturnal wildlife and natural beauty of the remote mountain region in stunning, never-before-seen detail, as captured by state-of-the-art cameras and technologies.

As the episode begins, we are introduced to the jagged, snow-capped peaks of Puma Mountain, which rise dramatically against the starry sky. The cameras capture the tranquil silence of the mountain wilderness, which is only broken by the calls of the birds and the rustling of leaves in the breeze. Against this serene backdrop, the episode explores the lives of several fascinating nocturnal species that call Puma Mountain home.

One such species is the cougar, also known as the puma or mountain lion, which is the apex predator of the region. Through the use of advanced thermal imaging cameras, we witness the majestic creature hunting for prey under the cover of darkness, its rippling muscles and powerful stride illuminated in enchanting hues of green and blue. We also follow a mother cougar as she cares for her adorable cubs, teaching them vital survival skills and playing with them under the shadow of the mountain.

Another highlight of the episode is the South American gray fox, a shy and elusive creature that is rarely seen by human eyes. The cameras capture the fox prowling through the rocky terrain, its sensitive nose and keen senses guiding it to a feast of succulent rodents and insects. We witness the fox's incredible acrobatic skills as it leaps and bounds across the mountain's rocky outcrops, its dark fur highlighted in an ethereal glow.

The episode also showcases the diversity of birdlife on Puma Mountain, which range from majestic Andean condors to tiny hummingbirds. Using specially-designed high-speed cameras, the episode captures the intricate and colorful plumage of these birds as they soar and flutter through the air, their wings and bodies flashing in vibrant hues of orange, red, and green. We follow the condors as they hunt for carrion on the mountain slopes, and witness the shimmering display of the male Andean cock-of-the-rock as he tries to attract a mate with his flamboyant feathered finery.

As the night progresses, the episode also unveils the natural beauty of Puma Mountain itself, which is transformed into a breathtaking canvas of light and color. Using advanced imaging technologies, we explore the rocky cliffs, shimmering lakes, and blooming wildflowers that dot the mountain's landscape, their bolder and more awe-inspiring colors brought to life in glowing splendor. We witness the changing light as the night turns to day, and admire the grandeur of Puma Mountain in full daylight, its towering peaks and cascading waterfalls bathed in a brilliant symphony of light.

Overall, Earth at Night in Color season 2 episode 2, titled Puma Mountain, is a visual masterpiece, showcasing the natural wonders and nocturnal wildlife of one of the most remote and untamed regions of South America. The episode takes us on a mesmerizing journey of discovery, offering us insights into the lives of the mountain's elusive creatures and the majesty of its unspoiled wilderness in a way that has never been seen before.

Watch Earth at Night in Color - Puma Mountain (s2 e2) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
Earth at Night in Color, Season 2 Episode 2, is available to watch and stream on Apple TV+. You can also buy, rent Earth at Night in Color on demand at Apple TV+ online.
  • First Aired
    April 16, 2021
  • Language